Chapter 6

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Specs brought his hand up to scratch the back of his neck and chuckled lightly.

"The Delancys took my glasses and threw them into the alley but I knew they were going to soak me if I went after them so I didn't. I waited a bit and sold some of my papes. After a bit I ran to get them so I could finish selling and then I ran into the wall," he explained quickly, not wanting to meet Romeo's eyes, or at least the blobs he presumed to be Romeo's eyes.

"Are they still in there?" Romeo asked while he doing his best at examining Specs' face. "The glasses I mean, I can see that the Delancys are gone."

It didn't really help that the resident doctor was the one who was injured and the other was nowhere near.

"Maybe, I don't really know. I was more focused on selling the last of my papes, it was all blurry and hard to see things. Not to be needy but can you see if they're there?"

Romeo let out a light laugh and lifted Specs off of him before standing up. He walked into the alley and looked around a bit until he found Specs' glasses sitting on the top of a rubbish bin. 

Romeo cursed the Delancys and did his best to clean off the glasses. It was quite difficult, and didn't smell nice, since there was old food from the bin matted onto them but after a bit of cleaning he finally got it. 

He knew that Specs could be quite violent when it came to cleaning his glasses, especially when they needed a desperate cleaning and had popped a lens out on multiple occasions.

He walked back around and rushed forward when he saw Specs trying, and failing miserably, to stand up.

"Specs, don't stand up yet. I'll help you," he shouted as he ran over.

He put his hand on Specs shoulders to help him but his help was brushed off.

"I'm fine. I just need my glasses then I'll be the same as always," Specs said with a determined edge to his voice.

"You're not fine. Now sit back down or else I will sit on your lap to make you stay sitting," he stated, with his usual flirtatious tone to his voice.

Romeo wasn't thinking about what he was saying, he usually didn't flirt with any of the other Newsies, they were like his brothers after all, but he did flirt with Specs quite often.

Romeo smirked at the blush on Specs' cheeks, even if it wasn't planned he still couldn't help but be proud of his flirting skills.

Specs huffed in annoyance but stayed sitting down regardless.

After much difficulty, Romeo finally got the glasses on his face, even if Specs kept trying to grab them to put them on himself.

"There, now hold my arm and I'll help you up and keep holding it until we get back," Romeo instructed with his best impression of Davey's mom friend voice.

Specs grumbled about having to be walked back but didn't bother to argue, knowing it would be like arguing with a brick wall.

"This is stupid," Specs mumbled under his breath, thinking Romeo wouldn't hear him.

He, as clear as day, heard him.

"You are one to talk. You have blood all down your shirt and face and," Romeo paused for a second and a look of disbelief crossed his face. "How did you get it in your hair, you nitwit," he shouted.

Specs winced at how loud it voice was in his ear but didn't bother to complain, knowing it would be a losing game.

616 words

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