Chapter 16

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"Why did you pull me in here?" Specs asked Romeo. Romeo shushed him and looked warily at the entrance.

Specs went to ask the question again but was quickly cut off by Romeo kissing him.

They pulled apart after a while due to the human body's need for oxygen.

"I didn't want our date to end just yet," Romeo explained with a small smile.

Specs grinned and put his arms around Romeo's shoulders. "I don't have a problem with that," he said before leaning in to kiss Romeo.

They had thought that by hiding in the alleyway that they had no chance of being seen by any of the other Newsies.

That might have worked if it weren't for the fact that they were only a few metres into the alleyway and very much visible if you looked in.

Unfortunately for them, the Newsies happened to walk past. Most of them were too invested in their own conversation too pay any heed to them.

Mush only glanced at first but when he did a double take and realised what he was seeing he grabbed Blink by the back of his shirt so he wouldn't walk away.

"What's wrong?" Blink asked once he'd figured out that it was only Mush grabbing his shirt.

"Look, there's another couple in the lodging house," he pointed out, pointing at the couple.

Blink slipped his hand into Mush's and smiled.

"How long do you think they've been together?" Mush asked after they'd been standing there for a few minutes.

"I'd say not long. Remember how we were like this all the time when we started dating too?" Blink pointed out.

"Oh my God. Don't remind me. I was so clingy, it was embarrassing," He complained, burying his head in Blink's neck.

Blink laughed at his boyfriend's antics. "Believe me, you are just as clingy now."

Mush unintentionally laughed loudly and alerted Specs and Romeo to someone else's presence nearby.

"Oops. Run." Blink grabbed his boyfriend's arm and pulled him towards the rest of the Newsies, both laughing their heads off.

Romeo pulled away from the kiss him and Specs were in with a look of worry on his face.

"What was that?" he asked, looking around in an attempt to see where it came from.

"I'm sure it was just some rich people being annoying," Specs reassured him.

Romeo nodded before going to lean in for another kiss before he pulled away.

"What if it wasn't? What if someone saw us?" Romeo panicked.

Specs moved his arms to Romeo's shoulders and he looked him in the eyes.

"It's okay, I promise. If someone sees us I will keep you safe from them. I'll keep you safe forever," Specs whispered.

Romeo smiled and pulled Specs into a hug. "Thank you. I love you so much."

"I love you too," Specs replied. "But the Newsies will start to worry of we're any longer so we should probably go."

Romeo leaned in for one final kiss with Specs before the couple left the alleyway to find the rest of the Newsies.

They caught up with them quickly and failed to notice the looks coming at them from Blink and Mush.

They held each other's hands whenever it was possible but those chances were few and far between but they still took their chances.

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