Chapter 21

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"Firstly, you don't need to be worried," Race said taking note of the worried look on Romeo's face. "It isn't really serious or anything."

Romeo nodded and looked down at his lap where he was fiddling with his fingers.

Race put his hands on top of Romeo's so he wouldn't hurt his fingers.

"I just want you to be careful. It's illegal
to be gay and the cops don't care if it's even just a hug they'll use any excuse to lock us up."

Romeo nodded and put his head on Races shoulder.

"I know and we pretend to just be friends in public, even on dates," Romeo explained.

Race smiled lightly that Romeo was being safe, he tended to not do this often, but also frowned at the fact that it had to be that way.

"That's good but I just want you to be safe. It would kill all of us if either of you got locked up for just being in love," he said.

Romeo nodded and pulled Race into a hug.

"Thank you. It means a lot to know that you care that much for me," he whispered timidly.

Race chuckled lightly and wrapped and arm around his shoulders.

"I know it sometimes is hard to believe with the Delanceys always saying it isn't true. But I promise you it is, we all care for you so much and as annoying as you can be at times." Romeo elbowed Race and muttered 'rude' under his breath. "We would all miss you a lot if you got arrested."

Romeo smiled, despite still being slightly annoyed at being called annoying, and nodded his head.

The pair fell into a comfortable silence yet again until Romeo decided that he didn't like the silence and started talking.

"That was dark," he blatantly stated.

"It was a bit but now we get to talk about the fun things. Like dates," Race declared with a grin. "Now tell me, have you been on any dates and if so give me every detail."

"We'll we've gone on a couple," Romeo started before going on a long speed about all the dates they've been on and a general rant about how much he loves Specs.

"It's good to see how much you and Specs love each other."

Romeo smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

They fell into random chatter after this until Specs came in after his talk with Mush.

Romeo threw the covers off of himself and ran over to pull his boyfriend into a hug.

"I missed you so much," he whispered.

Specs playfully rolled his eyes at the dramatics. "I was gone for half an hour."

"That's too long."

Romeo leaned heavily onto Specs and nearly knocked him over in the process.

Race laughed lightly at the couple's antics and glanced at the clock on the wall.

He let out a string of quite colourful curses when he realised what time it was.

"I have to go," he said quickly as he grabbed his hat from his bunk. "I'm supposed to meet Spot."

He was almost out of the bunk room when he turned back.

"Albert has your cigar," Specs said when he realised what Race was looking for.

"I'm going to kill him," Race mumbled under his breath. "Thank you but I've got to go now."

"Tell Spot we say hi," Specs shouted at the boy.

Race stuck a thumbs up in the air as he ran to find Albert.

"Have fun," Romeo told him. "But not too much fun."

Race rolled his eyes and turned back to them. "Goodbye," he said before running off again.

607 words

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