Chapter 27

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The next morning when Specs woke up he was not happy for many reasons.

He didn't like the whole being locked in a room thing, especially considering he needed to pee, and all the books were falling apart and children's picture books and a couple of classics.

Overall, Specs really wished he was back at home with the Newsies.

Everything was so much more simple with them, even when trying to scrape by to live.

The fact that his brothers were by his side through it all made it all that much easier.

He walked over to the bookshelf to get a proper look at the selection.

Most of the books were so stained and ripped that there was no reason to even try to read them.

There were few that were of a readable quality, all but one were children's books.

Specs groaned at his luck and how that book just had to be Romeo & Juliet.

He decided that if his father was alive and wanted to be in his life then maybe it was time he bit the bullet and read it.

Also, if he wanted to try and make amends with Romeo, it wouldn't be a terrible idea to read it.

He sat down on the bed with his legs crossed and his back against the wall.

He opened the book and started to read the prologue. Once he'd finished reading it he sighed and groaned lightly in annoyance.

He was somewhat annoyed that it actually wasn't as bad as he'd anticipated it to be, if Romeo were to ever find out he'd never hear the end of it.

He was starting to get towards the end of the second scene when he heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs.

He quickly hid the book under his pillow and stood up beside the bed.

He stood as straight as he could and put on his best neutral face, not knowing how the man could be.

He heard the door unlock and swing open quickly.

His father stood on the opposite side of the door with a smile on his face. "Morning, how did you sleep?" he asked cheerily.

Specs nodded and did his best attempt at a smile but it came out more like a grimace.

His father obviously picked out on his discomfort in the situation quickly and walked over to him.

"I know you aren't used to this but soon you'll forget you ever even knew those News Boys," the man told him. "You're home with your family now."

Specs frowned at the thought of forgetting about his family and the man who kidnapped him being his family.

Sure, they might have no sort of blood relation and he may sometimes want to strangle some of them but they were his brothers, his very dramatic brothers, and were there for him when no one else was.

He didn't want to forget that quickly. In fact, he planned to never forget it, even in the afterlife he would be with his brothers causing chaos and trying to make sure nobody does anything too stupid.

"You're not my family and you never will be," Specs declared. "So either you let me go or I will jump out this window and run away."

The man nodded and moved out of the doorframe to let Specs walk past.

Specs walked past apprehensively, not really understanding why he was letting him go so easily.

He was nearing the front door when both his arms were grabbed from behind and he was pulled hard onto the ground.

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