Chapter 18

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Romeo lay in the bunk without any idea of what was happening for a few minutes before deciding to see what was going on.

Everything felt weird. He could hear voices but couldn't figure out what they were saying. He could also only see blobs that he presumed were the Newsies. He also felt very cold which he did not like.

He tried to sit up but a shooting pain through his entire body stopped him. He was about to try again when he felt a pair of hands on his shoulder.

He looked at the blob pushing him back down a small smiled lightly at the face of his boyfriend.

He felt the hands move from his shoulders and went to try sit up again but was stopped by the pair of hands on his shoulder again and a warm cloth on his forehead.

He smiled at the added warmth and let his eyes start to drift closed. He was almost fully asleep when he vaguely felt someone tapping his face. He paid no attention to it and kept drifting asleep until he felt a pair of lips on his.

He opened his eyes slightly when he felt them pull away, deciding that the kiss was not long enough and that he, naturally, needed to get another one.

He frowned and started to close his eyes again when the voices around him started to become clearer.

He heard Specs' voice to his and turned his head to the right to see where he was.

He put his hand out in the hope that Specs would hold it.

He frowned when he felt the bed beside him sink but it quickly disappeared when he felt Specs hand in his.

He cuddled himself into Specs' side and started to close his eyes again.

Specs looked up at Davey warily, not knowing if he should let Romeo sleep or if he should keep him awake.

Davey thought about it for a few minutes before saying that he could sleep but he had to be covered in as many blankets as possible and also share a bunk with someone for body heat.

After seeing Specs kiss Romeo in front of all of them, the rest of the Newsies volunteered him to do it.

Specs gladly obliged and took off his shoes, hat and shirt before climbing in with Romeo.

He pulled Romeo's back towards his front and wrapped one of his arms around his waist and held the other in his hand.

Romeo shifted slightly in his sleep, trying to get closer to Specs.

Specs smiled and kissed Romeo on the head and brushed some of his hair out of his face before burying his head into the crook of Romeo's neck.

"I love you so much," he whispered to the sleeping boy.

He fell asleep quickly to the light snores coming from his boyfriend and the giggles of the Newsies in the background.

What the Newsies were all giggling at was how 'adorable they were'.

A loud groan was heard from Albert which caused all the Newsies to turn and face him.

He blushed in embarrassment and handed some coins to Race.

"I lost a bet," he said plainly.

"You always do," Race joked with a smile on his face.

550 words

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