Chapter 32

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Race walked into the Lodging House and headed to the bunk room and, more specifically, Romeo's bed straight away.

He figured that's where the boy would be considering it was where he was all the time except for selling.

He found the boy curled up on his bed staring at the far wall aimlessly.

He wasn't crying like he often did and he didn't even have the energy to cry so he opted for the ever-effective imitate a ball method.

Race crouched down beside him and brought his hand up to rub his shoulder.

"Hey Romeo," he greeted the small boy.

Romeo peeked out of his ball and smiled what Race could tell was a clearly fake smile.

"How are you doing?" he asked. Romeo shrugged and dropped his head back down to where it was before. "Okay, it's okay to feel like that."

Romeo smiled lightly at the fact that he could feel the way he does without being given out to for it.

"I was talking to Specs today," he started. Romeo lifted his head in interest. "He told me to tell you that he loves you and he's sorry. He also gave me this for you."

He pulled the note out of his pocket and handed it to him.

Romeo almost snatched it from him but didn't want to be rude but he still took it very quickly.

He opened it quickly and read through it. Tears started to form in his eyes as he got further through it.

Race brought his hand to Romeo's shoulder and started rubbing circles onto it.

"What- where is he?" Romeo asked once he'd finished reading the note.

"His father found him and now he's living with him," Race explained quickly.

Romeo felt another load of tears come to his eyes.

Race frowned at them and lifted to boy up a bit so he could sit down beside him.

Romeo put his head on Race's lap and wrapped his arms around his waist in a half-hug.

"Does he not want us anymore?" Romeo asked once they'd been lying there for a few minutes.

"He does, he really does but his father barely let him out of his sight to get a pape. Even if he tried to get to visit us he probably wouldn't be allowed for too long," Race said sorrowfully.

A whole new load of sobs took over Romeo's body.

Race laid down fully beside him and pulled him into a tight hug.

He wanted to cry but knew he had to stay strong so he could help Romeo.

"I have some good news though," Race started. "I went to the convent to see the nuns. Don't look so surprised. And I went through all of the certs from Specs' life. His birth, all of them."

Romeo looked at Race with a confused look, practically begging him to get to the point.

"On the birth cert, it said who his parents are so I looked at all their certs and even though his father left before he was born and wanted nothing to do with him he was still on it," Race explained. "I looked at his file and that man couldn't be him."

Romeo looked up at his older brother with a look of confusion.

"His father died a few years ago."

558 words

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