Chapter 3

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"Jack. Can I talk to you about something?" Romeo asked Jack once they'd both finished selling and had gotten back to the lodging house in the evening.

"Of course. What do you need to talk about?" Jack replied with a notable look of worry on his face.

"Can we go somewhere private? It's not that I don't trust the others. I just don't want everyone to know just yet," he said quietly.

A look of confusion passed over his face but he still nodded nonetheless.

He wasn't going to go against Romeo's wishes just because they confused him slightly.

Jack lead the way up to the roof, even if it was a special area for just him and Crutchie, he would still sometimes bring some of the other boys up there when they wanted some privacy.

They reached the roof and Romeo sat down at the side with his legs hanging off the side of the roof.

Jack sat down beside him and put his hands on top of Romeo's.

"I just want you to know that no matter what, I will always be here for you," he said lightly.

Romeo nodded and looked out over all the buildings.

"It's nothing really terrible. Just, how did you know that you are- you know," Romeo searched for the right words to say.

"Gay?" Jack asked once he saw that Romeo was struggling for words.

Romeo nodded and looked down at his lap.

"It's not a bad thing, you know. Even if the world says it is. They're all wrong," Jack explained, taking Romeo's hands and holding them.

"It's hard to believe it isn't wrong when everyone else in the whole world tells you it is," he said sadly, leaning his head on Jack's shoulder.

"I know, but the people out there," Jack waved his hand out towards all of the city. "They are the most small minded ever. They wouldn't know what was right or wrong if it hit them in the face."

Romeo laughed lightly and lifted his head up from Jack's shoulder.

"There's something else I want to tell you. But if you tell another soul I will soak you within an inch of your life," Romeo threatened while throwing fake punches at Jack.

The punches really ruined how dark the threat was but that was Romeo's idea, he wouldn't ever really soak Jack, or any of his brothers, but he'd still joke about it.

"Okay. I get it, I can't tell anyone," Jack said, holding out his pinkie finger. "Except for Davey."

"Jack," Romeo whined. "You can't even tell Davey."

"I promise, I won't tell a soul. Even Davey."

Romeo nodded in satisfaction and held out his pinkie.

Jack smiled and linked his and Romeo's pinkies.

"I have a crush on someone," Romeo said quickly.

Jack raised his eyebrows and waved his hand in the air, signalling for him to continue.

"It's on Specs."

Jack absolutely lost it when Romeo admitted it to him.

He leapt up from where he was sitting and jumped in the air multiple times while punching the air in joy.

He also dragged Romeo up from the ground and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Okay, I won't tell anyone," Jack promised him. "But if you think that I won't try to get you both together, you've got another thing coming."

Romeo laughed and nodded into Jack's shoulder.

"You can try but he isn't even gay so it's no use," Romeo sighed.

"Listen, nobody in that lodging house is truly straight. So I think you have some sort of a chance."

Romeo smiled before he was pulled into another hug by Jack who was acting like a mother on their child's wedding day.

622 words

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