Chapter 31

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"Specs, what's wrong? Why are you dressed like that?" Race asked quickly.

Specs wondered how Race ever managed to get time to breathe seeing as he never seemed to stop talking.

"I know it weird but it's all good. I found my father, he didn't leave. He just- he wants to be my father now and he's nice to me," he explained.

Race was suspicious that he just appeared in Specs' life and all of a sudden wanted to be apart of it but the boy seemed so happy that he didn't want to argue.

"That's good. I'm happy for you," he said. The envy in Race's voice went amiss to Specs who was practically jumping for joy.

"How are the boys? How's Romeo, Does he hate me? I wouldn't blame him, I was horrible," he said quickly.

"I don't know," Race admitted. "I've been staying in Brooklyn with Spot the past few nights. I'm only just back today."

Specs nodded in understanding, Race would sometimes spend as long as a week in Brooklyn so he could get some time with his boyfriend.

He could only stay there for so long since he had second in command duties and he needed to be there for the worst case scenario but Jack would let him have his few days with Spot every now and again.

"Could you do something for me?" Specs asked.

Race nodded and directed him over in the direction of an alleyway for them to talk privately in.

"Give this note to Romeo for me. It explains everything and tell him that I'm sorry and I love him," he instructed.

Race nodded and pulled him into a hug. "Does he hurt you?" he asked worriedly. "If he does you can tell me and I'll make sure he never walks again."

"No, he wouldn't lay a hand on me." Specs thought it best to refrain from mentioning what had happened that morning.

He knew Race well, they were brothers after all, and he also knew that he didn't have the best of an early life with his father so he would reign hell at the drop of a pin if he heard so much as a whisper.

Race nodded in satisfaction and pulled away from the hug.

Specs looked over his shoulder in the direction his father would be and saw him walking in that general direction.

"I have to go, he'll be angry if I spend any longer away from him," Specs explained. "He only let me over 'cause I said that I was getting a pape from you."

Race pulled a paper out of his bag and handed it to him. Specs offered the dime out to him but Race wouldn't let him give it to him.

"Keep the money, Specs, buy yourself something. I won a bet this morning anyway. And not to be rude but your father looks like the most boring man ever, you might need it to keep you entertained."

Specs laughed and pocketed the dime before pulling Race into one last hug.

"Will you tell the boys I say hi?" he asked.

Race nodded and fixed Specs hat which had gone askew with all of their hugging.

"I will, now go get yourself something. Do you still have your money from selling and what not?"

Specs shook his head and cast a wary glance over his shoulder.

"Okay, I'll keep it in my bag so that the next time I see you I can give it to you," he explained.

Specs nodded and turned around. "I really have to go. Bye, I'll see you soon and don't forget to tell Romeo what I said," he shouted as he started to walk away.

Race watched him walk over to the man before sighing and turning to walk back to the Lodging House.

641 words

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