Chapter 8

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"Specs, can I sell with you today?" Romeo asked once the Newsies had bought their newspapers from Weasel the next morning.

Specs looked at him confused before putting his papers in his bag. "Why? Is something wrong with your spot?"

Romeo frowned slightly, he'd hoped that Specs would want him to sell with him but based on the tone of his voice he had implied quite the opposite.

"No, sorry, I'll go sell there," Romeo said sadly, hanging his head.

Specs blinked for a few seconds trying to figure out why Romeo had a change of heart so suddenly.

"Wait. I do want you to sell with me," he explained quickly. "I was just worried that something was wrong and it would kill me if you got hurt."

"Aw, have you gone soft?" Romeo joked while swinging an arm around his shoulders.

Specs laughed lightly. "Would you like me to be mean. I bet I could sound just like Weasel if I wanted to."

"Oh I'm sure you could sound like you are both the same person," Romeo commented with sarcasm practically dripping from his voice.

Specs put his hand on his chest and feigned insult.

"Well if you are going to be like that you can sell in your own spot," he said as he swung his bag in the air so he could put it on before walking away.

"Wait. I won't make fun of you. Just please don't leave me," he shouted after Specs while pretending to fake cry.

"If we don't leave now we'll miss the rush so hurry up," Specs said, grabbing Romeo by his hand and pulling him in the direction of his selling spot.

What went unnoticed by both boys was the blush that went up the others cheeks when their hands touched.

This teasing and joking went on for most of the day, even as they were selling.

They went to Jacobi's for lunch like normal, seen as there were no Delanceys to steal glasses or just be general demons.

They sat beside each other and chatted for ages about any amount of topics under the sun.

That was something they liked about the other, no matter how much time they spent together they could talk like they hadn't seen each other for years.

Even if the pair didn't realise it, they kept drifting together every so often.

They started with around half a metre between them and after an hour their shoulders were touching.

As they drifted towards each other, the blush on either boy's face grew redder and redder, Specs' wasn't as obvious as Romeo's at first since he didn't blush as easily but it was still evident.

All the rest of Newsies knew that both boys were head over heels for the other, it was just them figuring it out for themselves that was the tricky part.

The rest of the Newsies left the pair alone, not because they didn't want to talk to the pair, they were more than happy to do that, but rather so they might confess their feelings and be done with all of this balderdash of pretending they weren't head over heels.

Unfortunately for the Newsies, they did not get together but they still remained hopeful in their attempts to get them together. 

551 words

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