Chapter 13

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Romeo fell asleep on Specs, it was entirely accidental but he wasn't going to argue.

He would happily take any excuse to be as close to Specs as he could. Specs also didn't mind being quite so close to Romeo.

He never was one for too much physical contact, hugs were okay but that was as much as he'd like.

When he was with Romeo it was different, it felt nice to have more contact than usual.

Specs woke up first which didn't surprise anyone since they all suspected Romeo would be asleep for a while.

Unfortunately for him, he could not get up since Romeo was almost fully on top of him and he didn't want to disturb him by moving him.

Specs had also volunteered to take the day off selling to take care of Romeo. Jack wanted to do it initially but considering Specs was stuck beneath him it made most sense.

Romeo slept through most of the morning and Specs was glad he kept a book beside his bed to keep him occupied.

He was nearing the end of his book when Romeo woke up with a start.

Romeo looked around panicked and tried to twist away from the hold he was in. "Where am I?" he said quickly. "Let go of me."

Specs quickly let his arms drop from around Romeo's waist and pulled himself away as far as he could.

"Romeo, it's me, Specs, you're back in the lodging house," he said slowly. "You're okay."

Romeo smiled and leaned back into Specs. Even if he had been assured that he was okay multiple times the night before he couldn't really remember it so hearing it then made him feel so much better.

He nodded slightly and gave his best attempt at turning around. He made it not so far around when his injuries started hurting him again and Specs had to help him.

"Hi," Romeo whispered once he was laying on his side facing Specs. "Thank you for everything."

"Of course. Anyone would have helped you. Jack and Davey patched you up and everyone else wanted to take the day off to be there when you woke up," Specs explained.

He brought his hand up to play with Romeo's hair and Romeo leaned his head into the feeling.

Specs looked at the bruising on Romeo's face and was quickly reminded of the sight the previous night. "What happened? You don't have to say if you don't want to but I was just curious."

"The Delanceys were soaking this kid for sneezing too much so I told them to stop and told the kid to run away and then I tried to get away too but Oscar hit me with his brass knuckles and I couldn't do anything," he explained.

"I'm so sorry," Specs whispered.

Romeo shook his head and brought his hand up to Specs' face. "Has anyone ever told you that you have a nice face. It's very kissable."

Specs spluttered for a second before regaining his composure. "I'm sorry, what?"

"You have a very kissable face and anyone would be stupid not to kiss it," he said with a smile as a blush found itself on Specs' face.

"I'm sure a load of people have wanted to kiss me," Specs said sarcastically.

Romeo frowned and brought his hand up to Specs face.

"I do," Romeo whispered as he rubbed his thumb across Specs' brow.

Romeo leaned in slowly in case Specs wanted him to stop before he kissed him lightly.

590 words

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