Chapter 37

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Specs ran as quickly as he could away from the two boys, hoping he hadn't been gone long enough for his father to have noticed.

Little did he know about the two boys following after him who, despite one of them having a crutch, would hide behind any manner of things to make themselves invisible to him.

He reached the tailors in what he decided was his record time to see his father standing outside with a very obviously angry face.

He hadn't even tried to hide it with a neutral look or a look of disappointment like he had other times.

That's what scared Specs the most.

He walked up to his father and smiled timidly at him.

"Hello," he said as calmly and unsuspiciously as he could. "How are you?"

"I know you disappeared," the man blatantly stated.

Specs laughed. "What? Me? I was in the bathroom and then I came out before you so I walked around the corner to see if you were there," Specs explained in a voice he could have sworn was at least an octave higher than normal.

"Do you think I was born yesterday?" Specs went to answer but was quickly cut off. "That was a rhetorical question," he shouted.

Specs nodded sheepishly.

The man glared at him and grabbed his wrist and started pulling him back in the direction of the house.

"How dare you pull a stunt like that?" he practically shouted.

Specs shrugged. "I didn't pull any stunts, I just thought you were already outside so I went to find you," Specs explained again.

His father rolled his eyes and pulled Specs' arm harder. "Move it," he hissed.

Specs rubbed his shoulder to try ease the pain from being dragged.

When they reached the house the door was going open and Specs was pushed in through the door.

He fell backwards and nearly rolled fully over but ended up just rolling back to a sitting down position where he was met with his father's as ugly as ever face.

"Does this mean I don't have to get married?" Specs asked with a sense of hope inside him.

"You will still be married but if you do anything out of line I won't hesitate," he threatened. "We want the money more anyway."

Specs rolled his eyes and laughed a little. "When will you figure it out that I don't care about the money or girls."

"You do care about them, you just haven't realised it yet and once you do you'll be happy that you're married." Specs went to try sit up to argue but quickly fell back down due to his left leg having gotten pins and needles.

"See, you can't even stand because you are below me," he said in complete seriousness.

Specs laughed. "I can't stand because my leg is dead but believe me, I will never be below you. You will always wish that I was your actual son."

The man looked angry before converting it with a look of fake confusion. "Don't be daft, you are my actual son."

Specs shook his head. "No you're not, Jack told me you're not. Jack is never wrong," he defended.

He thought it would be best to not bring up the few times Jack had been wrong.

But more often than not he was wrong about something small like what day it was or where he forgot something small.

Specs thought that surely that could mean he could trust Jack, right?

585 words

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