Chapter 44

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When selling came around the next morning Specs was anything but pleased.

He was of course happy to be out selling papers again he just was not happy to be getting up at ridiculous hours of the morning.

But who can blame him?

Nobody likes getting up early in the morning.

He was looking forward to getting back to his selling spot and getting to see all of his regulars again.

He missed some of them, some not so much.

One man would always get a newspaper from him in the morning on his way to work and he would always be terrible to Specs.

Wether it be shouting at him because he didn't have any change or because he couldn't get the paper out quick enough.

There was one customer in particular he did like, an elderly woman who would always pay him extra and refuse when he tried to give her her change.

She wouldn't let him call her by her actual name, she insisted to be be called Granny Pat.

Specs assumed Pat was short for Patricia but he could have been wrong.

She would always get to his selling spot at 11 o'clock on the dot on her way back home from 10 o'clock mass.

She would always give him a hug which Specs would complain about but he knew she didn't really have anyone at home so he didn't mind.

He knew he wasn't going to be selling on his own for a little while, at least until things calmed down, he just hoped that it was Romeo he'd have to sell with.

He got his papers that morning from Wiesel like normal, he even made sure to insult him a bit more than normal to make up for all the mornings he missed.

He was sitting down on a crate reading through the paper with Crutchie while Jack was making sure everyone was okay and while Romeo was getting his papers.

"Are you excited to be back selling?" Crutchie asked him once they'd finished skimming through the paper.

"Yeah, I just wish I could sell alone," he explained.

Crutchie nodded and put his arm around his shoulder. "You'll be back selling on your own in no time at all. So you should look forward to that instead of being upset about not being able to sell alone."

Specs smiled. "How do you always give the best advice?" he laughed.

"I don't know," Crutchie said with a shrug. "Who do you think you'll sell with?"

Specs looked over at Romeo and blushed.

"That was a stupid question. Why wouldn't you want to sell with your boyfriend," Crutchie pointed out.

Specs nodded and his blush only deepened. "I really love him, he's so perfect," Specs whispered to himself.

"You are both so cute," Jack interrupted the conversation while sitting down beside Crutchie. "It was so funny when you were both crushing. You had no clue he liked you back."

"Please stop," Specs whined. "I did not wake up today and want to be teased. You are horrible."

Jack feigned insult and poked Crutchie in the side to get him to fake it too.

"Crutchie he insulted us, don't be so calm about it," he shouted.

Crutchie playfully rolled his eyes and laughed. "He's just joking Jack, he wasn't actually insulting us."

"It wasn't even aimed at you Crutchie, only Jack. You can never be horrible, you're too much of an angel," Specs pointed out.

Crutchie beamed and smiled his smile that spreads like butter. "Thank you," he squealed while pulling him into a tight hug.

Jack kept faking his hurting from Specs' comment all the while the other two boys kept chatting.

Their chatting was interrupted by Romeo walking over to them.

"Sorry to cut in but I have come to steal my boyfriend," Romeo said, grabbing Specs' hand and dragging him up.

Specs laughed and pulled Romeo into a hug.

"Hello," he whispered.

Romeo grinned. "Hello, let's go sell."

The boys walked off hand in hand, only letting go once they got outside the Distribution Centre.

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