Chapter 45

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TW: Pain (this is very much based off my own knee problems because it is being evil today)

"This is so much fun," Romeo exclaimed as he walked over to Specs while waving a paper in the air.

Specs laughed from where he was sitting on the curb.

His legs had been hurting him from all the walking so he was taking a few minutes to relax and try relieve the pain.

"Are your legs feeling okay?" Romeo asked, worry clearly evident in his voice.

He had noticed that Specs had been working on his right foot longer than anywhere else.

"I'll be fine. I'm just not used to all the walking," he explained. "Once I get back to selling regularly it'll be no problem."

"No, you are not doing that right now," Romeo started. "It's okay if it hurts, I can sell some of your papes. I don't care how long you have to sit down for just as long as it takes the pain away."

Specs nodded and went to stand up but a shooting pain going up his knee stopped him.

He sat back down slowly and straightened out his leg.

"I'm sorry, it'll go away in a minute. You don't need to worry about me," he brushed off Romeo's attempts to help him and stood up on the opposite leg. "See. I'm fine."

Romeo nodded apprehensively but let him be nonetheless. He did make sure to check up on him more often than usual though.

Romeo saw that throughout the day Specs seemed to have more issues with his legs, most specifically his knee.

"Specs, love, you really should sit down," Romeo said desperately. "Please."

Specs' heart broke at the desperation in his voice and sat back down.

Romeo nodded in satisfaction and ruffled Specs' hair.

He wanted to give him boyfriend a kiss but unfortunately they were in public and surrounded by a large amount of people so he had to settle with a mere ruffle.

Romeo took Specs papers from him and started to sell some of those, leaving his own aside for a few minutes.

Romeo got distracted by selling the papers that the next time he looked up he saw Specs selling what was left of his pile.

"Why aren't you sitting down?" he asked. "I told you to."

Romeo walked over to him and tried to bring him back over to the curb they had been using as a seat.

"It's not sore anymore," Specs explained.

Romeo nodded and smiled a bit before walking back over and starting to sell his papers again.

Specs watched Romeo as he turned away before straightening and bending his leg.

He felt bad for lying to him but he felt worse when he was sitting around and watching Romeo sell his papers.

He was only partially lying though, it did still hurt but just nowhere near as much as it had before.

It sort of came in waves.

At least that's how it had been for him for the previous few months.

It had also never been that bad that he needed to stop, just moving it a tiny bit usually worked, but this time was clearly different.

535 words

(I am so sorry that I'm posting this like 3 hours late but I was seeing Six live)

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