Chapter 19

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The Newsies went about their normal routine once Romeo and Specs had fallen asleep.

Most of them left to go to the living area but a few stayed in the bunk room to read or quietly talk or just keep and eye on Specs and Romeo in case they needed anything.

They expected the pair to stay asleep for a while but that didn't quite go to plan when they saw Romeo awake and frantically shaking Specs to wake him up.

Henry, who was nearest, rushed over and crouched down beside the bed.

"Romeo, is something wrong?" he asked the boy. "Do you need anything?"

Romeo turned to look over his shoulder and shook his head. "No, I just need to tell Specs something. It's really important," he explained quickly.

Henry's eyebrows furrowed. He didn't understand what was wrong with Romeo and he wanted to help his brother.

"You know you can tell us things, right? Even if we're busy we'll gladly stop to listen to whatever you need to talk about," he said softly.

"I know and I would it's just that this is something that I really need to tell Specs," he said before going back to trying to wake up Specs.

"What do you need to tell me?" Specs asked groggily.

Henry took this as his signal to leave so he went back over to where he had been previously.

"We fell asleep together," Romeo pointed out, motioning to the pair of them wrapped up in each other.

Specs laughed lightly and brushed some hair out of his face. "You needed body heat to keep you warm and they volunteered me to do it."

"Why would they volunteer you?" Romeo wondered out loud.

He supposed it was because they were close, far more than just close but none of the other Newsies knew this, and it was also Specs' bed that he was on.

"Since they saw us kiss they thought it would be a good idea," he explained.

Romeo's train of thought stopped for a second before he took Specs' hand in his. "Not that I mind but when did they see us kiss?"

"Well, you were falling asleep when you weren't meant to and I tried to get you to stay awake but you wouldn't so I kissed you," he explained. "It worked though."

Specs added some jazz hands at the end to add some extra pizazz.

"The secrets out then," Romeo stated.

Specs nodded and kissed Romeo on the forehead.

Romeo put his head down on Specs' shoulder and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

He wrapped one of his arms around Specs' waist and intertwined their fingers with the other.

Specs started rubbing circles on Romeo's back and kissed him lightly on the forehead.

Romeo leaned up from where he was lying and kissed Specs on the lips.

"I love you," Romeo whispered.

"I love you too."

The pair stayed like this until they both fell asleep again to the sounds of chatter from the other Newsies in the room.

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