Chapter 36

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TW: Mentions of killing.

Specs ran up to them as quick as he could but his legs were quite sore from the running and he thought his heart was about to hop out of his chest.

Unfortunately, in his excitement to see them he didn't quite judge when he should slow down or stop running so he ended up crashing face first into Jack.

Jack lifted Specs off of him and held him at an arms length away. "Specs," he said calmly, deciding it would be best to skip over the whole 'how are you here?' part. "What's wrong?"

Specs panted while shaking his head. "It's all wrong," he said between his forced breaths. "I don't want to be married."

Jack and Crutchie shared a look of worry before their attention was brought back to Specs by him starting to sob.

"I want to marry Romeo. I don't want to marry a girl, I want to marry Romeo," he cried into Jack's shoulder. "Don't make me marry a girl, please."

Crutchie went to hug Specs but Jack put his hand out to tell him to wait.

"It's okay, we're here for you," Crutchie promised firm his place beside Jack.

"Can Crutchie touch you?" Jack asked him slowly.

Specs nodded and held his hand out to the side for Crutchie to hold it.

He didn't care if he looked childish, he just wanted his brothers.

Crutchie took his hand and pulled him into a hug.

Specs buried his head between both the boy's shoulders and tried to stop his sobbing.

Despite any of his attempts he could not seem to get them to stop, he supposed that pushing all of your emotions down for the best part of a month could do that to you.

He didn't know how long he was there sobbing but it must have been some amount of time considering once he'd stopped the sky was starting to darken.

Though, it could have just been the weather.

"Specs," Jack said slowly. "Can you tell us what's happening? Take your time, we'll be here the entire time."

Crutchie held Specs' left hand and rubbed circles into his palm while Jack held his right and was drawing shapes with his finger on his shoulder.

"I'm getting married tomorrow and I really don't want to and everything is wrong and I don't want to get married," he explained quickly.

"Why are you getting married?" Crutchie asked him.

Specs shook his head and pushed down some more tears he felt coming. "I don't want it but my father says that they're rich and he will get loads of money."

"Specs we have something we need to tell you." Specs looked up at Hack with a confused look. "He isn't your father. He kidnapped you so he could get the money, your actual father died a few years back."

Specs shook his head again. "That can't be true, he told me that he's my father. Why would he lie?" he asked bewildered.

He looked back and forth between Jack and Crutchie, seeing if they had any idea why the first fatherly figure of his would lie to him.

"The money," Crutchie suggested.

Jack nodded as a sign to show his agreement.

Specs sighed and groaned. "How could I be so stupid and he said he did everything because he loved me," he trailed off into a thought. "I have to go, my- he'll kill me if he finds out that I met with you. I'll see you whenever I can. Tell everyone I love them," he shouted before running off in the direction of the tailors.

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