Chapter 38

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Specs had never had such little sleep in a night like he did that night.

Between screaming matches with the man who was very insistent that Jack only ever lied to Specs and Specs who refused to let his older brother be talked about like that.

In the end Specs settled to agree that maybe Jack might have been wrong, his father was older and told him that he'd be stupid to believe Jack so he mustn't be lying.

He also spent the hours in his bedroom - he was still being locked in there at night - trying to think of any way he could get away from the wedding.

When he woke up after his grand total of one hours and thirty-four minutes of sleep he felt like hell.

He knew that there was going to be bags under his eyes and he really did not want that.

Even if he didn't want to get married he still wanted to look somewhat decent, even just for the girl's sake.

He knew it would be difficult for him to get through the ceremony.

And the reception.

And every part of it.

But he had a plan to imagine it was Romeo he was marrying and that everything was how it was meant to be in his head.

Even if that only worked for one small part of it, that would hopefully be enough for him to make it through the day.

How he'd manage the years of marriage that were likely to ensue was a whole other question that he did not want to have to handle yet.

There had to be some way to get out of the marriage, he just had to figure out which would work the best.

Maybe he could run away at the altar, it was dramatic and make it well known that he didn't want marriage.

He could also suffer through the wedding day and after a little while fake his death and run away to Canada, or England or maybe even Australia if he was that desperate.

He didn't fancy that one as much though.

He could run away back to the Lodging House and back to his brothers but it was predictable and they could find him easily.

Maybe by some chance the wedding would be called off or someone would object.

Specs thought that that would be perfectly ideal.

Then he could go back to his family and forget the weeks prior had even happened.

Unfortunately, the unlocking of his door brought him back to the reality that he wasn't going to get out of this.

He was going to marry a girl he didn't really know, have to spend the rest of his life with her and have children with her.

Specs didn't mind children but he'd rather adopt a child.

The idea of having his own biological child wasn't horrible to him but just the process to make the child never sounded worth it to him, it just grossed him out.

He also didn't want to be the father of a child if the other parent wasn't Romeo.

The door swung open and his ever so loving 'father' walked in with a group of three men following after him.

Specs looked towards the men with confusion. "Who are they?" he asked.

"Your groomsmen," the man replied like it was the most obvious thing on earth.

Specs nodded and went to sit down when they all flocked around him.

"We need to get you ready," one of them, a redhead explained.

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