Chapter 34

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TW: Abuse, homophobia and mentions of death.

Specs looked at his father with fear in his eyes as his father dropped the neutral facade.

"How dare you speak to me like that in front of your fiancé's family," his father shouted at him.

"She's not my-" Specs was cut off by his father's hand hitting him hard on the cheek.

"I don't care what you think about these stupid lies but she is your fiancé and you are to be married to married to her. End of discussion." Specs nodded, feeling his stinging cheek.

He had no clue how he could hit that hard especially considering his father must have been around his late-fifties or early-sixties.

Specs suspected he was around Snyder's age, that thought made him shudder.

"These are very wealthy people, they've more money than they have sense, they just don't know it," he explained. "And if I- if we want some of this money you need to love her and have children with her."

"I don't want the money though and I'm never having children and I'll never love her," Specs argued.

His father rolled his eyes and slapped Specs on the back of the head. "Why wouldn't you want money? Imagine what you could buy. You could buy a big house and never see those Newsies again." the way he said Newsies with such distaste made Specs furious.

"No," he shouted. "The Newsies are my family and I'm already in love with someone so I will never love her, ever."

His father sighed and shook his head.

"I don't know why you insist on seeing and wanting to be with them, they're good-for-nothing criminals who will be nothing more than slaves to their bosses until they die."

Specs shook his head. "No they won't, I know them and they won't," he shouted.

"What about that one boy you always hand out with? People would have started to think you're a homo if it wasn't for me," he said in the most 'I am a gift straight from God' voice.

Specs stood frozen, he just couldn't wrap his head around why he had such a hatred for Romeo and gay people too, all they were doing was being in love, Specs didn't see that as wrong in any way.

"So what if I am, I love him and only him. I'll never love a woman even if it was life and death." Specs looked his father dead in the eyes and saw a look of fury in them.

"We'll now it is life or death, you marry her or I will kill you and that boy you claim to love. I won't stand to have a homo as a child, do you hear me?" His father threatened.

Specs wanted to argue yet again but was too scared for what might happen to Romeo if he did.

Specs nodded and started to walk back into the living room before his father stopped him to go on another rant about how great a father he was.

"Where do you think you're going? We are not finished this conversation. I have done so much for you and this is how you repay me. I won't stand for it. Now you go in there and if I see so much as a hair out of line I will end you," he threatened.

Specs nodded and rushed back into the living room.

He did his best attempt at a believable fake smile but that had never exactly been his forte.


595 words

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