Chapter 35

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The week of the wedding had rolled around far quicker than Specs could have liked and his father had only let him out of the house a grand total of two times.

He also made sure to not let Specs out of his sight or grasp, making sure to keep a firm grip on Specs' arm the entire time.

Specs had been brought for a suit fitting the previous week and was to go back that morning to collect it and get any final fixings done.

The wedding was to be the next morning and he thought he would feel more sad about getting married to a woman he didn't love but he felt more sadness on Christmas Day when he couldn't spend it with his brothers.

Even if they didn't have much money or if most of them weren't religious they still got a day off work to spend together.

He had spent it with his father doing absolutely nothing.

He expected that he'd at least be dragged to mass seen as his father was trying to prove that they were 'devote Christians'.

Instead they just sat around all day and Specs ended up finishing Romeo & Juliet which only made him miss his boyfriend more.

He walked behind his father but not too far behind so he wouldn't be suspicious

They arrived at the tailor's sooner than Specs had expected, he suspected having been lost in his head sped the time up.

Once they were inside and situated, Specs was measured in his suit, which he absolutely despised, and got the cuffs taken down an inch or so.

After the fitting, which Specs could have sworn lasted an eternity, but in reality was forty-five minutes, ended they started to take their leave.

Specs thought back to where all the Newsies sold and, if they hadn't moved, he knew that Jack and Crutchie sold not too far away.

"I need to use the bathroom," he announced as he was pulling back on his coat.

His father grumbled in annoyance but let him go regardless.

When he got in there he immediately started looking around for any form of escape.

He quickly noticed a conveniently person sized window that lead out onto the alleyway at the side of the shop.

From there he could just run to Jack and Crutchie's selling spot, he wouldn't even have to pass the front window.

With the plan quickly formed in his head he put it into immediate effect.

He turned on the tap in case the window was loud or creaky before opening the window as quietly and quickly as he could.

He climbed through it, which he found to be surprisingly easy, before booking it into the direction of his brothers.

He heard some shouting coming from the direction of the tailors but didn't dare look back long enough to see what it was.

He ran as quick as he could but due to him having been cooped up for all that time, he wasn't as fit as he would normally be.

He ran around the corner that lead directly onto their selling spot when he saw them.

"Jack. Crutchie," he called out as he neared them.

Both boys turned around at the sounds of their names being called.

A mixture of a smile and a worried look passed both of their faces when they saw it was him.

569 words

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