Chapter 17

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It had been a few months since Blink and Mush found Specs and Romeo kissing in the alleyway.

They still hadn't told anyone else about their relationship but the rest of the Newsies were starting to catch on.

The winter starting to set in took it off almost everyone's minds though.

Winter always was one of the worst times for them, it was cold and wet, which only made their moods worse.

They didn't have enough clothes to keep them warm which meant Newsies got sick easily and couldn't go out to make money.

Less people were outside which didn't help them any amount.

All in all it wasn't the most pleasant of times.

Some of the older Newsies would get extra papers to sell so the younger Newsies wouldn't be out in the cold so long.

Sometimes it helped but since they would be out in the cold for so long they picked up sicknesses.

It was a vicious cycle.

On one day, Romeo decided that despite being extremely prone to getting sick and being sick, it would be a good idea to go selling.

He also decided that it would be a good idea to go to his normal selling spot by the Brooklyn Bridge and not wear enough clothing to even keep him warm enough for the walk there.

He was half way through his stack of papers to sell when he could feel the cold setting in on him.

It hurt when he bent his fingers around the papers and the cold made breathing feel like his throat was made of knives.

Once it stated hurting to raise his arms he thought that it might be around time to start walking back to the Lodging House.

He, unfortunately, forgot to take into account that the walk back to the lodging house was long and he could move his arms but his legs were starting to stiffen up.

He was nearing the lodging house when he saw a Newsie's head in the distance, at least he thought it was a Newsie's head, it was foggy and he was tired so he just took a guess.

Luckily for him it was in fact not just one Newsie, but two.

Romeo smiled when he recognised one of their hats, if anything would make being frozen to the bone better it would be seeing his boyfriend.

He called out as loudly as he could, which wasn't very loud but still loud enough to draw the attention of the spit up ahead.

Specs turned around with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion from where he'd been talking with Davey.

The pair rushed forward when they saw Romeo looking like he was about to collapse.

He was actually about to collapse and nearly did until he was caught by one of the pair on either side

"Romeo, what happened?" Davey asked once they got him into a standing position with an arm over either boy's shoulder.

"Cold," he whispered deliriously leaning towards Specs in an attempt to steal some of his body heat.

They walked him back to the Lodging House, trying to be as quick as possible but not going too quick in case they hurt him.

Once they arrived, the pair brought him over to Specs' bunk.

As soon as he was lying down he was practically swarmed by Newsies try no to see if he was okay and if they could help.

Davey shouted at them all to back up a bit so they could help him.

"Race, go get me blankets. Finch, warm clothes. Tommy, some warm water. Crutchie, can you get Jack? Les, you make sure he stays awake, just talk to him," Davey spoke very quickly and it took the boys a second to register what he said.

They ran off quickly and he turned back to Romeo who was out of it but still awake.

That was all Davey needed, even if he was delirious, it just mattered that he stayed awake.

The boys quickly rushed into the room with all their things, or in Tommy Boy's case, as quick as he could.

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