Chapter 20

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"Romeo, I love you and you're a great boyfriend but please let me get out of the bed," Specs complained to his boyfriend who had a iron grip around his waist.

"I don't care, you have to stay here and give me cuddles," Romeo stated.

Specs tried to wriggle out of his boyfriend's grip but what pulled back in and met with a kiss to the forehead.

"Please, love, I have to go to the bathroom," he pleaded.

"Aw, you called me love. That's cute." Romeo smiled and buried his face into Specs' neck.

"Please. I really need to pee."

Romeo gave in and released Specs from the tight grip he had him in. "You have to
come back to me after though," he shouted after his boyfriend.

Specs nodded and ran off in the direction of the bathroom.

Romeo felt a bit bad for not letting him go before but he's a clingy person and really wanted cuddles.

Romeo sat up on the bed and waited for Specs to come back.

After a few minutes he was going to go and see where he was when a face popped up in front of him.

"Hello Race. How can I help you?" Romeo said in an exasperated voice.

"I've noticed that you and Specs are now together so I think it's time for a brothers chat," he explained. "Someone needs to tell you things."

"Can't this wait for later? I have things to be doing," he argued.

He didn't want to be rude but Specs would be back soon and he just wanted cuddles.

"Specs won't be back for awhile so we have time."

Race motioned for Romeo to move over on the bed to let him sit on it.

He did but only because he knew he'd end up moving one way or another.

"Why won't Specs be back for awhile?" Romeo asked.

"Mush is talking to him." Race grinned at himself for having come up with the idea.

"Of course he is," Romeo grumbled.

Race laughed lightly and the pair sat there in silence for a few minutes before Race remembered that he was there for a reason, not just to chat.

"So, now that you are in a relationship I thought we should have a brother to brother talk," Race explained. "As a person in a relationship, we decided that I would be the best person to talk to you."

"And who is we?" Romeo questioned, knowing it was probably just Race.

Race put his hand on his chest and gasped loudly. "I am hurt that you think that I was the only person in on this plan. Mush was too."

Romeo chuckled and slapped Race's hand down.

"Why are you such a drama queen?" Romeo joked as he shook his head and tried to hold in his laughter but it wasn't all that successful.

"Excuse you but I am just great and you are mad that you'll never be as great as me."

Race leaned back against the wall behind the bed and flipped pretend hair over his shoulder.

"You keep thinking that," Romeo murmured under his breath.

Race laughed and shoved Romeo playfully.

Romeo shoved Race back which led to a battle of the playfully shoving each other.

"Anyway, we really need to talk about you and Specs," Race said once they stopped.

Romeo nodded and sealed down a lump that was starting to form in his throat.

He didn't understand why he was so nervous, it was just Race and they'd been brothers since he joined the Newsies, there was quite literally nothing that had gone unspoken about between them.

But still he was the most nervous he'd ever felt since the strike.

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