Chapter 23

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The pair arrived at the theatre around fifteen minutes before the show began.

They sat in one of the boxes to the right of the stage, it was the box Miss Medda reserved for Newsies if she knew they would be coming ahead of time.

Romeo sat on the right hand side of Specs with his arm over Specs' shoulders.

Specs was holding Romeo's other hand and his head resting on his boyfriend's shoulder.

Throughout the entirely of the show both boys were fixated entirely on Miss Medda.

The only time they dragged their attention from her was to look at the other.

Both boys loved the look of sheer joy on their boyfriend's face.

The life of a Newsies could be hard and they both wanted nothing but a life of easiness and joy for the other.

Of course this was unrealistic but even in the couples hours in the theatre it felt like all their worries disappeared.

After the show, they stayed behind once the rest of the audience left to talk to Miss Medda.

"Miss Medda," Romeo shouted running up to her. "You were amazing."

Specs followed quickly after him trying to make sure he didn't knock any props or set pieces over.

"Hello Miss Medda. The show was great," he greeted once he reached her.

Miss Medda smiled at the boys. "Thank you boys. You're both too kind."

Both boys smiled and talked with her for a while before Miss Medda had to change out of her costume and close up the theatre.

The couple were also quite hungry so they wanted to go get the food Romeo bought.

Specs tried to convince Romeo to let him pay him back for the food but Romeo kept slipping the money back into his pockets when he wasn't looking.

They reached the rooftop where they had their first date on and Romeo pulled out the few pieces of food out of his bag.

"You need to let me plan a date for once or else I will look like a terrible boyfriend," Specs commented once they'd sat down.

"I've told you a million times, you aren't a bad boyfriend and I will let you plan the next date," Romeo promised.

Specs nodded and stuck out his pinkie finger. Romeo linked his finger and pulled Specs in for a kiss.

Specs giggled lightly at his antics but kissed him back nonetheless.

They broke apart after a few seconds and Specs lay down with his head on Romeo's lap.

Specs tried to get a few minutes sleep but Romeo, being the extremely talkative person he is, refused to let Specs have a seconds silence and kept rambling on about Romeo & Juliet.

Specs sat up quickly when he started saying it was 'the greatest play ever'.

"That is the stupidest thing to ever come out of your mouth," he stated.

A shocked look passed Romeo's face but it quickly faded into a look of anger. "Firstly, rude. Secondly, it is the greatest romance story ever. Their romance is unmatched."

Specs frowned and shook his head. "She's thirteen and he's like twenty, that's illegal and-"

"Why is it wrong if it's illegal? Our relationship is illegal but you don't think it's bad. What's the difference?" Romeo argued.

Specs looked at Romeo with a dumbfounded look.

"You can't be serious," he deadpanned. "We love each other, he was an adult in love with a child. It should be illegal."

"If you think it's illegal why do you even pretend to love me?" Romeo asked.

"What? Romeo, you're being dramatic. I never said that. I do love you. You don't need to be so dramatic," Specs shouted.

Romeo felt tears start to swell up in the back of his eyes and he stood up quickly.

"Fine, if I'm so sensitive I'll leave," he declared.

Romeo rushed over to the ladder and climbed down, only staring at Specs once.

"We're done," he announced before leaving for the Lodging House.

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