Chapter 9

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TW: Descriptions of injuries and blood.

Romeo was walking home from selling one evening when he heard strange noises from one of the alleyways.

Usually he wouldn't go to see what it was but today he was feeling exceptionally stupid.

He thought that maybe the noises sounded like a young child who might be unwell, he could help them without too much hassle.

Or maybe it was an animal that had gotten caught in a crate, he could also help in that scenario.

He really hoped that it wasn't anyone older or bigger than him.

Which, let's face it, isn't hard.

He's very short for a fifteen year old, especially compared to some of the other Newsies.

Unfortunately for him, luck had never been Romeo's forte and most likely never will be.

Occasionally he would get a random spark of luck, this was not one of those times.

He walked into the alley way to see the Delancey brothers standing over a young boy and soaking him.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" he shouted from the entrance of the alleyway.

Both of the brothers turned around at the sound of his voice and the boy lifted his head with a look of hope on his eyes.

"This rat was being a nuisance so we thought we'd teach him a lesson," Oscar sneered, kicking the boy in the side.

The boy shouted in pain at this and Romeo brought his line of sight from the brothers to the boy.

He had a black eye starting to show up and blood coming from his nose and cheek. Some of his fingers were crooked from what Romeo suspected was trying to block some kicks from the brothers.

He was lying on his side with an arm wrapped protectively around his body and he seemed to be struggling to breathe.

Romeo felt his heart break at the boy, who couldn't be any older than twelve, and the look of sheer fear on his face.

"What was he doing?" Romeo asked once he'd stopped trying to see if there were any life threatening injuries on him.

"He was sneezing too much," Morris said with a glare aimed towards the boy.

Romeo blinked for a moment before rolling his eyes at the brothers. "He sneezed so you soaked him," he said incredulously. "Why don't you just let him go?"

The Delanceys shared a look before dragging the boy off of the ground and shoving out of the alleyway.

Romeo looked at the boy as he ran back to his home or wherever he had to go.

He turned back to the brothers who both had evil grins on their face.

"You know Oscar, it's be a real shame for you to have polished them brass knuckles and not used them," Morris said looking between Romeo and his brother.

His brother grinned when he caught on to what he was suggesting. "You're right Morris, I guess we'll just have to let our dear friend Romeo here help us out."

Romeo's eyes widened when he realised what the brothers were suggesting.

He turned to try run out of the alleyway but was roughly grabbed and met to a fist driving itself into his side.

He doubled over and coughed while he was still trying to fight of the hands grabbing and pushing him.

"Don't be like that," Morris sneered.

"Yeah, we just want to have a bit of fun," Oscar added with a malicious laugh.

Romeo tried to run one last time before he was hit in the temple and the world went black.

600 words

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