Chapter 39

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The group of men all got Specs dressed and ready for his wedding.

He didn't want to sound vain or anything but he thought he looked pretty good in the tuxedo he was wearing.

He would wear it again, for another purpose though, not for his actual wedding with Romeo.

Or any wedding full stop.

Once he was dressed he was brought downstairs where pictures were taken with all the groomsmen.

He didn't know where they got a camera but presumed his bride-to-be's father paid for it.

After the millions of photos were finally finished being taken, Specs was brought outside where a carriage was waiting for him.

He yet again had a strong suspicion about who paid for that.

He was hoping that those would be some of his last minutes alone.

He might use them to contemplate getting away or to just make peace with the fact that he will, most likely, never see the Newsies ever again.

His plan were ruined though when all of the groomsmen climbed in with him, along with his father.

"Samuel," he said in a bittersweet voice. "I know we've had a few minor disagreements these past few days but we'll put that behind us today."

Specs nodded and went to ask him about what was going to happen afterwards.

His words were taken out of his mouth by his father.

"After the ceremony, you will both go to the house her father and I picked out for you both and can commence in evening's activities," he explained like he was talking to a child.

Specs choked on the air he was breathing and started coughing.

"Seen as Luke here is already married and your best man, he can give you pointers." Specs eyes went wide and he started to object.

"Can we just not talk about this?" Specs asked, he exasperated. "I don't plan on doing anything of the sort tonight."

His father rolled his eyes playfully and chortled. "Samuel, you are so innocent it fills me with joy," he said between chortles.

Specs looked around at his groomsmen who were all laughing too, especially the one his father pointed out to be Luke.

"But I don't want to," Specs stated. "I shouldn't have to if I don't want to."

"Samuel, one day you'll learn that if you do or don't want something you can tell your wife that and she will have to obey but her father is old and he needs grandchildren so you'll have to deal with it," his father explained.

Specs shuddered at the thought of being able to control someone like that, it was inhumane and he didn't like it one bit.

"I'll consider it," he lied. "Is that enough?"

His father looked like he wanted to argue but nodded nonetheless once he realised they were starting to get near the church.

Once they arrived all the groomsmen climbed out and Specs went to follow but his father grabbed his hand.

"I want you to know that I am proud of you and you will make a great husband," he said slowly.

Specs nodded and peeked out the window where he could see a load of people he knew none of.

"Go," his father said. "And don't forget what I told you."

Specs nodded again and left the carriage and was met with many eyes looking at him.

He put on his best fake smile and walked into the church and up to the altar to face whatever was going to happen in the future.

593 words

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