Chapter 14

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Specs and Romeo stayed like that for the rest of the day, chatting and sharing small kisses.

They were both quite relieved to find out that their crushes were crushing on them too.

When the Newsies all got back they knew that they would have to get out of the bed and do the bare minimum of socialising.

Romeo also needed to move a bit so his injuries didn't get stiff.

The sat down together on one of the couches and used all of their joint willpower to not lean on the other for cuddles.

The Newsies all knew something was up between the pair, they had eyes after all. Or in Blink's case, an eye.

They didn't want to say anything in case something bad had happened between the pair and it might hurt them, they seriously doubted it was that but better safe than sorry.

They kept creeping closer to each other to see how close they could get without it being too suspicious.

Of course, they didn't need to do anything for the Newsies to figure out what they were doing so it was largely in vain.

Eventually, Romeo was dragged off by some of the Newsies to play cards and Specs went over to Davey to talk.

Once Specs sat down he was met with questions from Jack, who had gone over to annoy his boyfriend.

"What's happening with you and Romeo?" Jack asked once the three of them were situated.

Davey elbowed Jack in the side and gave him a look that Specs didn't even know Davey could give. Jack shrugged and smirked at his boyfriend who sighed.

"Nothing happened between us. We just talked. Romeo was asleep most of the day anyway," Specs explained, trying to make himself sound believable but a child could have told he was lying.

"We're not stupid we know something happened. And we're not saying it was bad," Jack said in a suggestive tone. "We don't want to intrude but if you ever want to talk about it we're here for you."

Specs nodded and was starting to stand up when he dropped himself back into the floor and leaned in towards the pair.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone," he whispered. The couple nodded and Specs smiled. "So we kissed and it was great."

Jack and Davey both smiled and Jack pulled him in for a hug. "My children are so grown up. Look at them, they're dating and everything." He pretended to wipe fake tears from his eyes but it didn't last long before they were all laughing at him.

They stayed there talking for a while before Specs decided that he'd socialised enough and it was time that he started reading and ignoring everyone.

After a while of the general chaos that ensues in the evenings due to how hyper all the Newsies are, they finally tired themselves out and started heading to the bunk room.

Specs waited until the rest of the Newsies had left before going over to Romeo.

"Do you want to maybe sleep on my bunk again tonight?" he asked anxiously.

Romeo smiled lightly and grabbed Specs' hand. "Everyone else will know that there's something between us then," he pointed out.

"Only Jack and Davey know so we could say that you can't get up to your bunk, because you know," he said pointing to Romeo's injuries. "So we're sharing until you can."

"That sounds good, wait, how to Jack and Davey know?"

Specs awkwardly laughed and looked down at his shoes. "I was really excited to tell someone and I kind of just told them without thinking about it."

Romeo nodded and stood on his toes to reach Specs' height. He softly kissed him on the lips before pulling him into a hug.

"I love you and all but just don't tell anyone else yet. I want to see how long it takes for them to find out," he joked.

"I will," he replied with a laugh before leaning down and kissing Romeo.

676 words

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