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TW: Mentions of death.

The boys managed to make it back to the Lodging House in one piece without getting lost.

Jack thought this to be a great feat.

Specs wasn't allowed to sell on his own for quite some time but he did find it to not be as horrible as he'd made it out to be.

He sold almost exclusively with Romeo, only not selling with him a few times when Jack wanted to keep a close eye on Specs.

Specs finally got to bring Romeo on the long promised date and according to Romeo it was 'everything he'd hope off be'.

He hadn't had any run ins with the man who had pretended to be his father or anyone involved in the marriage.

Specs almost swore off of marriage for the rest of his life until the Newsies proposed that they hold their own mini weddings once they were all older.

Specs left the Newsies when he was nineteen and Romeo left shortly after when he was eighteen.

Both boys lived in a small apartment together not far from the Lodging House.

Specs wrote books as a way as relaxation and on a whim decided to send some copies to a publisher.

They were published and with the money he bought a new apartment for him and Romeo, this one bigger but still near the Lodging House.

The apartment became a safe haven for Newsies in need of medical attention or just a talk with someone older and, in Specs case not so much Romeo's, wiser.

Romeo tried his hand at acting for a while and was in a few plays, his favourite role being Romeo in Romeo & Juliet.

He didn't pursue acting for long though and instead opted to stay in the apartment and look after things.

They did get married eventually, not legally but instead what they called a 'Newsie Wedding' and they would have rathered that over a real wedding any day.

Everything was just right and Specs couldn't have been happier.

Sure, some things did change slightly but in ways he liked.

They lived their lives to what many would believe to be the fullest potential.

They had close friends around them their entire lives, the Newsies family never once separated and only seemed to grow.

Both boys lived to their seventies and passed in what some may argue was the best way possible.

Neither of them were sick or felt any pain.

They went to bed one Friday evening, their hands intertwined with a smile on their faces.

They were found the next morning by Jack and Davey who had been going to visit them for breakfast that morning.

The funeral was a happy occasion.

All the Newsies knew that they wouldn't want their deaths to be mourned but rather their lives celebrated so that's what they did.

Jack said some words, along with Race, Crutchie and Les, who had adored Romeo growing up.

The two lovers were buried side-by-side, their hands still intertwined and the smiles still on their faces.

513 words

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