Chapter 41

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They reached the Lodging House quickly, much to Specs delight.

They all gathered in the living room where a seat had been dragged into the centre of the room for Specs to sit on.

Romeo directed him there and although it was a one person couch he sat himself on Specs' lap so they could be together. 

Specs didn't mind, he had a sneaking suspicion that Romeo may be very clingy the next few days.

He wasn't going to complain, he knew for a fact that he himself was going to be very clingy too.

They sat there together and the rest of the world fell away.

Specs had one arm wrapped around Romeo's waist and one in his hair playing with it.

Romeo had his head buried in the crook of Specs' neck and his arms wrapped around his waist.

"I love you," Specs whispered.

Romeo peered out of his spot and smiled. "I love you too."

They stayed like that, ignoring the rest of the Newsies for a while until they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

Both boys looked up quickly and blushed when they realised that everyone was still there.

"We we're going to let everyone say hello to you one at a time but it seems you are a bit busy," Jack explained.

Specs nodded and looked down at Romeo, who he was almost certain was starting to fall asleep.

"Has he not been sleeping?" he asked quietly.

He really hoped the answer would be no, he couldn't bear to think that Romeo wasn't sleeping because of him.

Jack frowned and nodded slowly.

Specs looked at Romeo, who was as good as asleep. If he wasn't asleep yet he would be in a few short minutes.

Specs kept playing with his hair until he started to hear Romeo's soft snores.

He finally got to have a proper look at all the Newsies.

Blink and Mush, Spot and Race, and Jack and Davey were all in hugs or holding hands.

Specs thought they all looked very coupily.

The rest of the Newsies were all standing in small groups.

Albert, JoJo, Elmer and Finch were in one group. 

Tommy Boy, Mike and Ike were in another.

Henry, Sniper, Smalls and Buttons were in the last group.

They all offered Specs some sort of reassurance, whether it be thumbs up or just a smile.

He smiled at them all and started playing with Romeo's hair again, not liking everyone's eyes on him.

Despite the obvious lack of wanting to socialise from Specs, Jack still started talking and making him socialise.

They all caught Specs up on the events of the Lodging House while he was gone which frankly weren't much more than their regular daily events.

They started there chatting for hours until it started to get dark outside.

Spot and Race had left around an hour before the Newsies started retiring to their beds since Brooklyn was quite a walk and it was one of Race's nights to spend in Brooklyn.

By the time most of the Newsies had gone to the bunk room there was only Jack, Mush, Mike and Finch still in the living room.

Specs was still there too.

He couldn't really move since Romeo was sleeping like a log on top of him.

Specs tried to keep up with the conversation but he was too exhausted.

Sometimes he would blink and his eyes would stay closed for minutes.

After one of these times he opened them to find Jack was the only person left in the room.

He was unfolding one of the extra blankets they kept around the lodge.

"What are you doing?" he queried.

"It's okay, go back to sleep," he whispered. "I'm just going to put a blanket over you both then I'm going to sleep."

Specs nodded and leaned his head on top of Romeo's.

He closed his eyes and smile at the feeling of what he presumed was the blanket being draped over them and someone kissing him on the forehead.

He drifted off to sleep quickly with a smile on his face and a warm feeling inside his chest.

695 words

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