Chapter 22

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TW: Mentions of freezing to death and soaking.

Romeo decided that after selling one night that he and Specs would go to see one of Miss Medda's shows.

It had been a while since he'd gone to see one. He had intended to go but between almost freezing to death and getting soaked he found himself short on time.

He decided that it would be best to not tell Specs until that morning since he knew Specs would try to pay and Romeo refused point blank for Specs to pay for his date.

The show was free, Miss Medda would never charge any of the Newsies to see the show but he bought some things for them to eat and drink before or afterwards, depending on what time they finished selling at.

When he told Specs he got the reaction he expected.

Specs tried to argue with Romeo that it was his turn to take Romeo out on a date and since Romeo already had it planned out, he would take Romeo on the next two dates.

Specs had been planning a big date for their four month anniversary and it annoyed him somewhat that Romeo kept planning these ones and knocking his plans off the track.

It made him feel like a bad boyfriend, he wasn't of course but he felt like he didn't show Romeo his love enough.

Romeo would beg to differ entirely, he thought Specs was the best boyfriend he could ask for.

It was the little things that he enjoyed, the forehead kissed and cuddles and he tried to assure him that that was all he could ask for but Specs was hard to convince.

The evening rolled around even quicker than Romeo had hoped for and he was practically jumping off the walls of the Lodging House while he was waiting for Specs.

He was rocking backwards and forwards on his feet when he felt a pair of hands were placed on his shoulders.

"You're excited," Specs said.

Romeo nodded vigorously and jumped up in the air. "I've made this as perfect as you are," Romeo explained with a wink.

Specs blushed and shook his head. "I love you," he said.

Romeo stopped jumping and struck a pose.

"I love me too, everyone does," he joked.

Specs rolled his eyes and pulled Romeo into a hug.

"You are far too cocky for your own good," Specs pointed out.

Romeo grinned up at him from where his head was buried in Specs' chest. "Only for you."

Specs smiled and leant down and kissed Romeo lightly on the lips. Romeo smiled against Specs' lips and brought his hands to Specs waist.

They pulled apart after a few minutes and Romeo reached up and brushed his thumb over Specs' cheek. "You're beautiful," he whispered.

Specs blushed and tried to hide his face in his hands. Romeo pulled Specs' hands down. "Don't hide your face, you're really cute when you're blushing."

"Please stop making me blush," Specs complained. "I didn't agree to this date just to blush all the time."

"Speaking of the date, we should probably go now. The show starts in half an hour and we don't want to be late."

Romeo grabbed Specs' hand and the couple started off towards the theatre.

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