Chapter 1🍁

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Writer's POV

We could see a beautiful college, it's the most renowned college in the country, students have to work really hard to get admission in this college.

The Golden gang and Shooting stars also worked really hard to get the admission, they are already successful in their own professions. But still they all had this dream to complete their Drama and Theater degree. And today ,it's their first day in the college .

We could see a gorgeous, innocent looking girl in a denim short and pink hoodie walking towards the cafeteria to meet her shooting stars gang. It's non other than Diya.

A boy came and bumped into Diya in the cafeteria corridor and her admission papers fell down .She got angry ,but decided to stay calm, and that boy was lost in her, he was staring at her without even blinking. Even he picked up one of her papers.

Diya: Can you please give me my paper?

Boy: What's the hurry gorgeous? I have to admit , good to see such a beautiful girl in the first day of the college itself.

Diya: Look whoever you are ? I don't care ok! Just give back my paper .

Boy: Oops, you got angry ? I'm Zeeshan , Zeeshan Khurana. You can call me Zee you know I don't mind at all.
He said in a flirting tone

Diya: We are not that close , to  call you with nicknames, please give me my paper. If my friends see you misbehaving with me , I'm sure they won't leave you .

Zeeshan: Ohhh I'm scared... Then you don't know my friends, and no girl have shown me so much attitude like you do .

Diya rolled her eyes ,and was trying to snatch her paper from zee, at that time Thier gangs came over there .

Shub: What happened Diya ? What's going on?

Diya: He bumped into me and now he's not giving my paper back.

Kiaan: How dare you to mess up with someone from our gang? Don't you know who we are ?

He said glaring at the golden gang.

Naisha: why you all own this college ?

Tanvi: No we don't , but even you all don't own this college right?

Arosh: Guys please calm down, Zee give back her paper, why are you messing up with them?

Inaaya: wow you all have a peacemaker in the gang? Why you nerdy boy you all got scared of us ? Sacred of the shooting Stars.

Golden gang giggled.

Abhay: huh, shooting stars or falling stars we don't care ok? We are the Golden gang !!! Don't try to mess with us !

Reyhana: And if you all did, then get ready to face the hell for the rest of the four years.

Shooting stars rolled their eyes.

Shub: Oh my god are you all trying to scare us ?

Naisha: Why did you get scared ?

Shub: Scared my foot!!!!

Abhay: youuuuu....

He was going to punch him at that time Tanvi came in the middle and stopped him.

Tanvi: Don't you dare!

Diya: Just stop it you all, it's all because of you! Zeeshan or whatever , just give me back my paper and stay away from my friends!

She snatched her paper from him.

Zeeshan: I will never forget you and your attitude, I will make sure you won't be happy after showing that stupid attitude of yours to me.

Inaaya: Get lost you playboy , and you loosers.

She said while glaring at the Golden gang.

Arosh: How dare you to call my friends as loosers?

Tanvi: Awww the nerd can be aggressive too...

Kiaan: You all messed up really bad by misbehaving with our gang, just wait and see what happens in this four years.

Reyhana: We will make sure you all won't even survive here for four years .Get ready to go home .

Shub: Let's see ...

They all went to their first lecture after giving each other death glares.

Golden gang was late for the class.
When they were going inside the class , Thier professor stopped them.

Professor: You all are late! You all can't come inside.

Zeeshan: So what ? We know that we have a watch, we worked hard to get admission here, we don't need your permission to get into the class.

With that he went inside with the golden gang and got seated in the back benches which was in the left corner .

Arosh: Zee, it's not good to talk to our professors like that.

Naisha: Please calm down our good boy . No one can order the golden gang . So he deserves it.

Then it was shooting stars, even they got late for the class . Professor was going to start the lecture.

Professor: Not again! You all are not allowed inside the class .

Inaaya: We didn't ask for your permission sir, just mind you own work , and that's teaching .

She went inside with Shooting stars and got seated in the back benches which was in the middle . Just next to the Golden gang .

Inaaya and Zeeshan were just next each other, they were giving death glares to each other time to time .

Inaaya: Diya what say ,wanna see this zeeshan getting slapped?

Diya: I don't care what he did with me , but I hate him for whatever his gang told you all .

Inaaya: Okay , shub is he your friend ? He's a cricketer too right?

Shub: Yeah he is , that Abhay guy too, we just joined the national team I didn't like them  and now I hate them.

Kiaan: What's going on in your mind our tomboy?

Inaaya: wait and see guys.

There was a girl sitting in the front bench in middle of Zee and Inaaya. Inaaya pinched her waist from under the table . She turned while glaring and Inaaya gestured towards Zeeshan saying that he did.
That girl stood up and slapped Zeeshan . Shooting stars were controlling their laughter. Golden gang was shocked and the professor threw him out of the classroom. Arosh noticed whatever inaaya did and he informed Reyhana .

Reyhana smirked and wrote a love letter for the professor  in the end of the paper she wrote Inaaya's name. And sent it to the professor through the students . Professor read it and he was damn angry .
He scolded inaaya , and told her to go out of the class too.

Shub: I won't leave you all!!!!

Abhay: Get lost!!! This is just the beginning just see how we make you all face hell!!!

Both gangs started to argue with each other.

Professor: Shut up you all!!!! Get out of my class right now , before I complain the principal sir. Get lost !!!! I won't tolerate this nonsense in my class anymore.

They all went out out of the class...
Somehow they attended the other classes without fighting with eachother anymore as it was their first day...

Here's goes the 1st chapter of this book......
I hope you all love this book too....
What do you all think about their behaviour?
Which side are you? Golden gang or shooting stars?
Who's your favourite character so far?
Vote and comment guys....
Stay safe....

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