Chapter 11🍁

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Shub's POV

I came for practicing,but this miss.Attitude is not here yet. Then miss.Vienna came .

Me: Ma'am where's this miss.Attitide? look how irresponsible she is ... She never comes on time and look at me I am waiting for her from a long time .

Miss.Vienna: Shub, Don't complain about Naisha, you guys are friends now right? And she never comes late , she told me that she have to go to the library for something. And about you ,I don't know how did this miracle happen that ,you are early today ...

I made faces while she chuckled.

Me: Maam me and Naisha are not friends!

Miss.Vienna: ok ok now go and bring her from the library. Go.

Me: Ugh no maam , I can't please , she's not a kid , let her come..

Miss.Vienna: Shub!!!

She said sternly, I sighed and nodded.
I went to the library just to see her lost in a book, from when did she became a bookworm?
I got seated beside her.

Me: How irresponsible Miss.Attitude!

She got starteled with my voice .

Naisha: God!!! Have you gone nuts shub? I got scared and what are you doing here ?

Me: Seriously? You got into this book so much that you forgot about our practices.and you are alone in the library, noone is here, Who comes to library at this time ?

Naisha: Ohhh I completely forgot about it , this book is really interesting and I got addicted to this. Sorry shub , and let's go, I didn't notice that there's noone here.

Me: Oh my god you said sorry?

She rolled her eyes.

Naisha: Yes I did , just because I forgot about the practices.So don't be so happyyyy...

She stood up and I hugged her from behind instantly, She got stiff.

Naisha: shub? Leave me..

Me: Stay like this for a while.

I removed my jacket and tied it on her waist from behind while back hugging her. And after that I came Infront of her, just to see her stunned face.

Naisha: What were you doing shub?

Me: There were some marks on your dress, I think you have forgotten the days , so go and change and come for practices if you are ok . Hmm?

She looked embarrassed but nodded slowly and went from there.

Thank god I saw that before anyone , otherwise she would've got embarrassed. But I affect her? I saw in her face that I affect her.
What the hell! Why am I caring about her at first place ? Shub as Naisha said you gave gone nuts ... Ugh again Naisha ??? God....

Then I went to the dancing room , and informed maam that Naisha will get late and she went for a lecture. And after 20 minutes Naisha came inside after getting changed . She was looking down, I know she's embarrassed.

Me: Naisha you don't have to be embarrassed ok? It's a normal thing .

Naisha: Thank you so much shub, if you were not there I would've got myself embarrassed... Thank you so much, and I'll return your jacket , after washing it is it ok?

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