Chapter 19🍁

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Shub's POV

It's been long since me and Naisha are hanging out with each other , or shall I say we already went on a date . I'm sure about one thing now that I'm madly in love with her, not only with her beauty, I have fallen in love with her inner self. Her character and everything about her, she is very bold , she never leaves a chance to suprise with me cheesy lines , if  I flirt with her, without blushing she will gives me a flirty reply , that's how she is. Everything between us changed so quickly, I know even she likes me ,
I don't know about love , but I'm sure that she is my girl for the rest of my life ,
in just a small period of time we both have become very close to each other.

I was waiting for her outside her home. Here comes my girl looking drop dead gorgeous.

Me: You look gorgeous my beauty queen.

I said while kissing her forehead

Naisha: Thank you my handsome .

She said while kissing my cheek .

Me: wow if I'm getting rewards like this, I don't mind complementing you every second.

Naisha: So why don't you ? Who's stopping you ah?

Me: Ha ha ha shall we go?

Naisha: Yeah let's go.

Tanvi's POV

I was waiting for Abhay outside my home, he's a really a good guy, I really like him,  but I'm in love with my secret admirer who sends me letters everyday. His one letter can change my whole mood, people might think that I'm mad to love a person who I've never seen , like they say love is blind. I have fallen in love with a lesson who I have never seen.
Only Diya knows about this , and she supports me in this . I like Abhay , he makes me feel special sometimes , but I'm already in love with my secret admirer so he doesn't have a chance .
I giggled at that last part.

Abhay: Hey Tanvi , you are looking pretty.

Me: Hey Abhay , thank you even you look good.

Abhay: let's go then.

Me: Yeah .

Writer's POV

Arosh had to pick Diya from home as they are just two streets away from each other , because of that zee picked inaaya from her home, throughout the way they both were teasing each other.
They all came to the club at the same time, Even Reyhana and Kiaan joined them too.

Tanvi: Guys let's dance!!!

All: Yes....

They all started dancing like mad , when the DJ played romantic songs , the girls ,boys changed their partners time to time while dancing the tune. They were dancing for more than a hour.

Zee: Lets get the drinks guys...

Naisha: No no zee wait, I wanted to do something before you all drink .

Inaaya: Let's drink first Naisha , do whatever you want later.

Naisha: No girl, I want everyone to be in their senses.

Abhay: Ok  what are you gonna do now ?

Naisha went towards Shub and went on her knees , while holding his hand ,she started speaking.

Shub: What are you doing Naisha get up!

Naisha: Shub , it's been just few months we have know each other, at first there wasn't any day when we didn't argue with each other. You always taunted me for my attitude while I taunted your food,
but we didn't knew  when we changed ourselves and got close to each other, In this last few weeks, there wasn't any day without us meeting each other.
You have changed me from your Miss.Attitude to your miss.Beauty queen.
           I am a total different girl when I'm with you, you bring outs the best in me,with the passing time I couldn't think my life without you , we became best friends but then I realized that what we have between us is not just friendship
          I want to spend my whole life with you, my heart flatter whenever you make me feel special, your words,your kindness, your care ,your concern ,your love towards me made me fall for you, First I thought that I like you but now , I know that,

Friend to Friend, Heart to Heart ✅(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now