Chapter 3🍁

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Writer's POV

It's been a month since they joined college . They didn't play pranks on each other as mr.louis adviced them. But never miss a chance to argue with each other. They doesn't agree with each other at all.

They attended college as usually and they had mr.louis's period first.

Mr.Louis: Ok students, so you all have to complete your first project . I will be deciding your project partners.

He paired all the students except the two gangs.

Mr.louis: So only golden gang and Shooting stars are left right? And you all don't even think that I will pair up you with someone from your own gang! I had enough of your arguments and fights, so I want you all to work together.

Others students giggled looking at their irritated and shocked faces.

Zee: Come on sir , That's really not funny.

Mr.Louis: I'm not joking zee, I'm damn serious.

Shub: We don't want to pair up with them sir.

Mr.louis: Unfortunately,I should be the one to decide that Shub so the project partners are,
Diya and Abhay
Kiaan and Zeeshan
Inaaya and Arosh
Tanvi and Naisha
Shub and Reyhana

All of them were making faces as if Mr.louis stabbed them with a knife .

Inaaya: What the

Diya:Inaaya language!

Naisha: Sir please no this is not gonna happen .

Zeeshan: Absoloutly sir, how can you pair up me with a boy, I would have been happy if you paired me with Diya.

Diya: Shut up you flirt!!!

Mr.louis: Stop flirting zee, If I paired you with you a Diya, you won't do anything other than flirting, that's why I made kiaan as your project partner.

Kiaan: Seriously sir, that's the worst descion you have taken so far.

Inaaya: I can't pair up with this nerd sir he is really annoying!

Mr.louis: Arosh do you have any problem with your partner?

Arosh: No sir , it was your descion so no problem.

Mr.louis: He is the only one who listen to me from your gang.

Reyhana: Yeah yeah sir he is our good boy afterall , but sir this is not fair you know that we don't like them .

Shub: Feelings are mutual .

mr.louis: I know that very well, but this is your time guys , get to know each other, you all can be friends .

All: Friends??? Never ever !!

Abhay: How long do I have to tolerate this innocent face sir?
He said pointing at Diya, while she glared at him.

mr.louis: You have a time of one week to handover the project. You all can ask me anything about the project , but I don't want to hear any complaints ok?

He said eyeing golden gang and Shooting stars, while they were making faces .

Mr.louis went out of the class, after wishing them luck and even other students left one by one , only the two gangs were left.
All of them were silent for a while unable to digest the fact that they are gonna work together for a week.

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