Chapter 25🍁

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Writer's POV

They all were in Miss.Vienna's class , it was almost going to get over

Inaaya: Guys let's do something fun!

Abhay: What's going on in your mind ?

Inaaya: I have something on my mind, you all just make sure that Louis sir comes here at the right moment .

Zee: Okay.

Arosh: Inaaya don't do anything please, stop playing pranks on professors atleast.

Inaaya: Do you think I'll listen to you in this my dear boyfriend?

All giggled while Arosh sighed .

Arosh : You never listen to me .

Inaaya: ha ha ha Good you know that .

Inaaya wrote a love letter, to Vienna maam as if the person wrote the letter is so obsessed with Vienna maam.

Naisha: Oh god this is so cheesy girl.

Arosh: I didn't knew that you are this cheesy babe .

Inaaya: Yes I'm when it comes to pranks like this .

Shub: So now what are you gonna do with this .

Inaaya: Let maam finish the lecture, let's wait till others leave the class.

As soon as others went out of the class golden stars went towards Vienna maam.

Miss.Vienna: Yes kids, how can I help you guys , any doubts from today's lesson ?

Tanvi: No maam the lesson was clear.

Inaaya:maam you've got a letter from someone .

She said while giving the letter to maam.

Miss.Vienna: Who gave this ?

Zee: We can't say that maam.

She opened the letter and she was damn angry after reading it .

Miss.Vienna: Kids if you all don't tell me , I will give you guys more assignments and projects.

Abhay: Oh no please ma'am don't, how can we only  choose one professor from our favourite professors, so we can't tell the name .

Miss.Vienna: Favourite professors? I'm one of them then who's the other one ?

Mr.Louis: Oh Zee, you are here ,I was looking for you everywhere.

Miss. Vienna looked at Louis sir ,as he's the other favourite professor of golden stars, and she thought that he sent her the letter .

Miss.Vienna: Louis!! I never thought that you will send me such a pathetic letter,
atleast not through kids. And how could you? Ah? We are best friends we both are engaged to our soulmates. How could you write such a disgusting and ridiculous letter to me ?
I literally can kill you for this ! You stupid ! I know we are best friends but this is prank is just ugh..... I'm so angry with you dumbo!!!!

Louis sir was looking at her with wide eyes and confused face . While golden stars were having a hard time controlling their laughter.

Louis sir: What are you saying Vienna? Are you crazy or what ? And what letter ah ?
Did you knock your head somewhere?
From where did this best friend thing came from ofcourse we are best friends since our college days . But tell me the reason for which you are scolding me !

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