Chapter 13🍁

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Writer's POV

It's an important day for all the students who participate in Talent hunt. They all were getting ready for their performances.

Diya: Guys where's my earnings? I can't find them .

Tanvi: oh god Diya , your performance gonna start in 10 minutes .

Inaaya: let's look for it .

Naisha: Diya , here's you earings.

Diya : Thank god, where was it?

Naisha: It was near your makeup kit .

Diya: Thank you so much Naisha .

Naisha gave her a small smile.

Shub: Diya perform well ok? Don't get nervous.

Arosh: All the best Diya .

Diya: Thank you Arosh .

Shooting stars hugged her and wished her.

Reyhana was the announcer, of the event she announced Diya's name , when she was going someone pulled her by her wrist.

Diya: Zee?

Zee: All the best Diya , Do well ok?

Diya: Thank you.

She first did a classical dance performance,then she got changed within seconds and did a hip hop dance performance, which set the stage on fire.
At the end both shooting stars and Golden gang were cheering for her .

She came to the backstage and hugged shooting stars .

Naisha: You were awesome Diya .

Abhay: Yeah well done good girl.

Diya: Thank you guys .

Diya looked at Zee who was lost in his thoughts , then it was kiaan's singing performance.

Kiaan's first song was for his friends then the second song he dedicated to Reyhana , who turned into a blushing mess. His performance was a soulful performance.

Then there were few more performances of some other students.
Then it was Naisha's and shub's turn to perform.

Their friends wished them while going towards the stage , shub holded her hand.

Shub: Don't get nervous Naisha, we both will do our best ok?

Naisha: I'm having a stage fear now shub, I can't . Let's just cancel the performance.

Shub: Naisha , calm down, just don't look at others , just look at me through out the performance, I'm sure we both will do this . Ok?

Naisha nodded.

They both started dancing on a very romantic song choosen by miss. Vienna . Through out the performance they were staying at each other .
Audience went mad on their chemistry.

Golden gang and Shooting stars hugged them .

Zee: Not bad guys , it was a romantic performance.

Everyone gave them a teasing smile . While Naisha blushed .

Shub: Shut up zee.

Then it was the most unique act that was the funny riddle battle.

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