Chapter 40🍁

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Writer's POV

Next day boys woke up with a terrible hangover , they all stayed in Inaaya's home last night . Boys were in one room while girls shared another .

When they woke up they saw their girls Infront of them . With a blank face .
Naisha gave them lemonade and Tanvi gave them pills to feel better from the hangover. Boys had them quietly .

Abhay: Guys , why are you all quiet ?

Girls behaved as if they didn't hear anything.

Kiaan: What happened girls ? tell something.

Arosh: Are you all angry ? Did we do something wrong ? Please forgive us if we did something wrong , but don't give this silent treatment.

Girls looked at each other and burst out laughing. While boys looked at them with a confused face .

Zee: What's so funny guys ?

Inaaya went and sat on Arosh's lap, making him hold her waist .

Inaaya: You know how cute you were yesterday, actually I love drunken Arosh more , you defeated me in talking ha ha ha , you were a complete different person , a chatterbox and I loved it baby .

Arosh: What ? I defeated you in talking? Chatterbox? Stop joking Inu .

Naisha: And what about you shub , you were trying to commit suicide ? Ha ha ha ha

Boys: What?

Shub: I tried to commit sucide? But why? Even if I did , what kind of a girlfriend you are ? How can you laugh Naisha ?

Reyhana: Just see how you were trying to commit suicide ,and all you boys will get your answers too, after watching this video .

She connected her phone to the TV and played the video . Where everything was recorded, girls were laughing while boys were embarrassed.

Zee: What the hell am I doing ?

Kiaan: why did you record all these baby ? We all look like jokers .

Reyhana: Kiaan how can you forget that your girlfriend is a journalist? Ah? I dont miss hot and spicy news like these .

Tanvi: And you guys didn't look like jokers , you guys were jokers only!!!

Arosh: I spoiled our special day , just look at the way I behave, how can I be so stupid , I'm really sorry Inu .

Inaaya: Idiot , nothing like that, you didn't spoil anything . It was fun by the way .

She said giggling

Diya: zee, you don't come near me for a week , I thought I will have to go for a plastic surgery .

Girls started laughing again .

Reyhana: Who the hell will commit sucide from jumping from a table our stupid Shubi?

Shub: Shut up Reyhana .

Reyhana: How can I shut up? This is the best headline today, "The young cricketer shubman Gill tried to commit sucide by jumping from a table " ha ha ha

She said dramatically,  others were
Laughing except shub , he was busy glaring her.

Tanvi: And what about you Abhay? Who plays hide and seek in a club ? How old are you ? Five ?

Abhay: I was totally drunk , I don't remember anything.

Naisha: You guys seriously behaved like idiots yesterday. It was really funny but ,

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