Chapter 27🍁

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Writer's POV

Golden stars were having a sleepover at Inaaya's place. They were playing truth or dare in the terrace .

Diya: It's your turn shub! Truth or dare?

Shub: Umm Truth.

Abhay: Such a boring person you are!

Tanvi: Oh you interesting person stay quiet ! Let him choose whatever he wants .

Abhay: Baby you are supposed to take my side ,come on, I'm your boyfriend

Tanvi: So what if you are my boyfriend he is my best friend .

Shub: love you bestie...

Tanvi: Love you too best friend...

All laughed at their drama while Abhay was making faces.

Reyhana: Ok so I'll ask the question!

Shub: Oh god no not you ! I really don't trust you .

Reyhana: Ha ha ha whatever. So your question is tell us about your first love.

Shub: Ugh do I really have to tell about this ?

Inaaya: Ofcourse you have to by the way we know but others doesn't right?  Naisha do you know About it ?

Naisha : yeah guys , I know he told me about it.

Reyhana: Ok so answer the question shub.

Shub: Okay so her name was Manya. We studied in the same school , I fell in love with her and I proposed her ,even she accepted it , then we were happily dating for three years we really loved each other,
but gradually Manya started ignoring me, even I was in the beginning of my career, so I didn't mind it , but one day she told me that her parents found about our relationship and they are planning to get her engaged to one of his dad's friend's son.
I said that I can talk to her parents, but she didn't want to go against them. So we broke up . I was depressed as she was my first love . Then I moved on all thanks to my shooting stars , they were there to help me , because of which I moved on faster, I don't even know where she is now and I don't care too.

Reyhana: Woah!!! That's something unexpected. you've really loved her.

Shub: Yeah I used to .

Zee: Wow Naisha so proud of you , your boyfriend is talking about his ex girlfriend and you are not saying anything.

Naisha: Why should I? it's his past, yeah I'm little disappointed as I couldn't be his first love but that doesn't matter as now, he loves me the most right ?

Shub: yes baby I love you the most, she was my past but my present and Future belongs to Naisha and that doesn't matter she was not my first love as she will be my last love forever .

Others: Awwww.

Tanvi: How cute guys ....

Abhay: Just like us .

Arosh: No like me and Inu.

Inaaya: Stop being childish guys.

Kiaan: No me and Reyhana are the first couple. so we are the cutest .

Zee: Oh just stay quiet guys !!!!I'm jealous .

He said glaring at Diya while she rolled her eyes .

Diya: Ha ha ha let's continue the game guys.

They rotated the Bottle again and it stopped near inaaya.

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