Chapter 4🍁

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Writer's POV

Next day they started working on their projects. They all were in different places.

Abhay's POV

Diya: I'll drink some water and come .

Me: Hmm

It's been long since she went where is this girl? Oh god why did I get stuck with this innocent face. She doesn't talk much also, and never agree with me , but I have to tolerate her for this week, only because of Louis sir.
I was waiting for her but she were nowhere to be seen .
I was looking for her ,and I heard her voice .
There she is with Zain ,he is the most disgusting person in our batch. He was blocking diya's way. Diya looks frustrated.

Me: What the hell are you doing Zain? Let her go !!!!!

I went towards him and pulled Diya behind me .

Zain: Why do you care you are from golden gang and she is from shooting stars? Remember that you all hate each other .

Me: I know that Zain , but don't you remember that both the gangs hate you too? Stop irritating her ok? If a girl is innocent you all don't leave a chance to mess with that girl noh? Shame on you!!!

Zain: Oh just get lost men, mind your own business.

Me: And you Diya , what's wrong with you girl? Couldn't you just pushed him off or just slap him? Try to fight for yourself, your friends won't be there for you always . You should know how to stand for yourself. Deal with him by yourself. Bye .

With that I went from there and hid behind a pillar , to see what's Diya gonna do .

Writer's POV

Zain: I knew that he won't help you baby.

Zain holded diya's wrist and she slapped him.

Diya: Don't you dare to touch to me !!!!

Abhay witnessed all this and smiled .Diya came to him.

Diya: Thank you Abhay .

Abhay: Whatever , I didn't do anything, come let's do the project.

Diya: Yeah .

Zeeshan's POV

I was waiting for Kiaan , but he was nowhere to be seen. He told me to come but don't know where he is .

It's been long since I did something fun ,
I smirked as I got an amazing idea.He was commenting on me for flirting with girls right?

Let him come , and see what I'm gonna do with him. There he comes .

Kiaan: When did you come ?

Me: just few minutes back , come sit

Kiaan: ok

When he was going to sit I kept a small Cactus plant on the bench and he got seated on it...

Kiaan: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

I burst out laughing....

He removed the plant from his pant.

Kiaan: Ahhh it's so painful , Zee I'm gonna kill you for this .

He said gritting his teeth.

With that he started chasing me , we were running all around the college .

Arosh's POV

Inaaya: Nerd?

Me: Yeah Inaaya?

Inaaya: it's so boring dude, why are you so into this project ? And don't you get angry when I call you nerd ?

Me: Beacause we have to complete it withing a week and  I can't get angry with anyone, specially you.

Inaaya: Why? I mean I always call you with names , I always scold you but still you never argue with me .

Me: Even I don't have a answer for that.

Inaaya: You are impossible.

She said smiling , and that smile just took my breath away...

Me: Keep smiling Inaaya, you look good  while smiling .

Inaaya: Stop staying with that flirty Zee, you are becoming like him .

Me: Ha ha I'm being honest , I didnt flirt.

Shub's POV

Me and Reyhana were in a  classroom , she is describing me about the project from a long time ,ugh how annoying she is .

Me: uhhhh stop Reyhana aren't you tired after blabbering from a long time ?

Reyhana: No I'm not , just the way you don't get tired eating always , i don't get tired talking, come on men I'm a journalist.

Me: nothing against my food woman!!! I didn't listen to anything you said .

Reyhana: Ugh shub!!! Seriously.
She slapped my arm .

Me: Ouch, tigress stop beating me .

Reyhana: You deserve it!!!

Tanvi's POV

Naisha and me started our project , it's going well actually , but there's no limit of our arguments. I was doing the writing part and she was doing the drawing , and pictures pasting part.

Naisha: Tanvi how to  cut this picture, it's impossible with the scissor.

Me: There's a blade in my bag, cut with that

Naisha: Ok, here it is .... ouch, ahhh

Me: Oh god Naisha , it's bleeding , show me your finger , give .

Naisha: No need it's fine , you don't have to worry about it .

Me: Miss. Attitude I'm a doctor, stop showing me your tantrums .

I pulled her hand towards me and examined the cut, it was bleeding. She was wincing in pain
I cleaned her wound and did the first aid, thankfully I always carry a First aid box in my bag .

Naisha: Thank you Tanvi .

Me: That's my duty as a doctor , so no problem .

Writer's POV

In the night, there's a phone conversation going on between a girl and a boy .

Boy: Hello baby.

Girl: Hello.

Boy: Why do you sound so low baby? Are you ok ?

Girl: I'm fine , but I'm fed up of seeing our gangs fighting like this . And I don't know how they will react when they get to to know about our relationship, I can't loose you , but my my friends are really important to me , I want you and as well as my friends with me always.

Boy: I know babe , but we can't help it right? Our gangs literally hate each other, but let's hope for the best , if they get to know , then we will handle them together ok ? And don't worry babe ,you won't loose me ever . I love you ...

Girl: I love you too........

And the conversation goes on.....

Here's the 4th chapter guys....
What do you all think?
Who is this girl and boy?
Any guesses?
Try to think guys ......
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See you all the next chapter...
Stay safe.....

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