Chapter 44🍁

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Writer's POV

After few months Naisha got pregnant, all were very excited as that's gonna be the first baby of their gang ,

Naisha is three months pregnant now , and she irritates everyone with her cravings and mood swings , but non of them get irritated, they handle her really patiently ,
and shub being the best , he never say no to anything she asks for .

All of them were sleeping in their homes.
Suddenly they got a  video call from Arosh, they were irritated as he disturbed their sleep.

Zee: It better be important Arosh  otherwise I promise I will kill you .

Abhay: Who the hell call at this time ?

Shub: Now only I made Naisha sleep and you woke up her again.

Kiaan: you wife was not enough, that now even you are troubling us ah?

Diya: Oh just shut up guys , let him talk .

Tanvi: Yeah what happened Arosh? Is everything ok?

Arosh: Guys I'm really sorry for disturbing you all at this time , but it's something important, and I couldn't wait to tell you all .

Reyhana: Just tell the matter fast dude.

Arosh: The thing is Inu , uh, Inaaya , I mean we....uh.... She..... Umm...

Arosh was blushing like a newly married bride , Inaaya rolled her eyes at her husband's shyness.
Girls were looking at him curiously while boys were frustrated.

Zee: Diya give me the water bottle, this guy is checking my patience, I need water to control myself from bursting on him.

Inaaya:Arosh Baby leave it, you won't tell it in this lifetime , so thing is, Guys I'm pregnant!!!!!!
we gonna be parents !!!!!

Zee spitted the water which he was drinking on the bed , while others were shocked to react . Girls started squeeling suddenly.....Naisha was crying.

Girls: Congratulations guys!!!!

Shub: This is the first time in the whole history I think .

Kiaan: Reyhana baby this is a damn shocking news, this should be trending on your channel.

Abhay: Is this even possible?

Zee: But how?  like ,I'm so confused, can this happen ?

Inaaya: What the hell are you guys blabbering?

Abhay: No it's the first time we heard a boy getting pregnant you know ?
Like how can you Inaaya , you are a boy , and now you are pregnant!! And that's shocking .

Kiaan: poor kiddo , that doesn't know that he or she gonna have two fathers instead of a mother and a father.

Inaaya was glaring and huffing with anger while others Burst out laughing.

Boys: By the way congratulations guys!!!!!!!

Arosh: Thank you guys ...

Tanvi: Naisha why are you crying ? What happened?

Abhay: Your idiot husband did something? Just tell we will give him nicely.

Naisha: No, I , I'm so happy , I don't know why I'm crying , I'm so happy my baby gonna have a friend soon , and I'm overwhelmed.

They all sighed seeing her mood swings .

Naisha: Shubi...

Shub: Yes baby

Naisha: I want to eat samosa

Shub: Samosa ? At this time , it's 3.00a.m baby, wait till morning, I will get you .

Naisha stated crying loudly making all of them worried.

Naisha: No.... I want now , you don't love me anymore...

Diya : Come here shub , I have got some samosas , I will fry them now .

Kiaan: Thank god you have , we were wondering from where to get Samosa now .

Naisha clapped and smiled widely, making them smile too .
Arosh looked at Inaaya with a scared face . Inaaya understood what's going on his mind .

Inaaya: Don't worry hubby , I won't trouble you like that .

Shub: you gonna trouble more than this .

Naisha: Iam troubling you?

Shub: oh god no , I was talking about Inaaya.

Reyhana: No no , Naisha he was referring about you only .

Shub:I will kill you Reyhana.

Naisha was glaring at him .

Tanvi: Calm down Naisha, Reyhana is just pulling shub's leg , you know them na , you just have your samosa and sleep ok .

Naisha: Ok doctor.

After six months Naisha gave birth to a cute dimple boy named Ayaansh.
He got his dimples from his dad , and looks from his mom. Golden stars loved him so much and he gets pampered by his aunties and uncles a lot .

Then after few months later even Inaaya gave birth to a baby girl, named  Akankasha. Surprisingly inaaya was a really good mother , she handled the baby very maturely with the help of others . At that time Reyhana and Tanvi were pregnant too .

Reyhana gave birth to a boy too, named Mitesh .

Tanvi gave birth to twins . A boy and a girl . Ayush and Eesha.

Diya was the last to conceive as she had complications , and she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl , named Rishita.

The ten best friends who were naughtiest in their college days are proud parents of Beautiful Kids now .
But being parents , and successful in their careers , their bond remained the same . They still tease each other , they still pull each others leg , they are still the same no matter how grown up they are .

Here goes  chapter 44...

Only the epilogue is left guys ... It's coming to an end 🥺I'm gonna miss writing this .....

Please vote and comment guys ...

Wait for the epilogue....

See you all in the Last chapter..

Stay safe 🍁

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