Chapter 28🍁

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Writer's POV

Next two days Shub, Abhay and Zee was busy with practices as they are having a one day cricket match. Even Arosh and Kiaan were with them.
They got to know that even Manya joined their college , but they didn't care about her nor she interfered between them .
Girls were busy with their college work as well as completing boys college notes. They rarely met in these two days because of work.

Night before the match girls were on a group call.

Naisha: So girls ready to suprise the boys ?

Tanvi: Ofcourse!!! I'm so excited.

Reyhana: Yeah they won't even think that we will be there for the match .

Inaaya: This is the first match we gonna see them playing live .

Diya: Girls I have something to share with you all.

Naisha: What is it Diya?

Diya: I'm planning to propose Zee tomorrow after his match.

Other girls were quiet for while .

Others: OMG yayyyyyy!!!!!

Tanvi: Finally! Finally you are doing it .

Inaaya: All the best babe !!!! So happy for you both!!

Reyhana: So you realised that you love him now ?

Diya: I realised it long back , but I was scared but now I'm ready for it , I want to call him mine officially, he have waited a lot not anymore tomorrow will be the happiest day of his life,
he knows that I have feelings for  him already but I have never confessed . I was waiting for a special day . So why not tomorrow?

Naisha: That's the best , I can't wait for tomorrow...

Others: Me too.... Ha ha ha

Match Day morning.

Girls came to the Ground early so that they can wish the boys before the match . Boys were having a serious discussion. When they saw the girls they were shocked .

Girls: Suprise!!!

Shub: How come you all are here?

Naisha: We thought to suprise you all we are here for the match.

Zee: You all bunked college ?

Tanvi: Yes, anything for you all.

Boys smiled and hugged their respective girls as if their life depends on them.

Naisha: Shub what happened is everything ok love?

Shub: Baby, you know na that I love you a lot.

Naisha: Yes baby, ofcourse I know ,but why are you saying like that?

Shub: Nothing, just remember that I love you so much , nothing matters to me more than you.

Naisha: I love you too my Shubi .. play well ok .

Naisha said while kissing his cheek.

Tanvi: All the best my dear boyfriend, play well ok? I want you all to win this .

Abhay: Anything for you baby, Anything for you .

Tanvi:Are you nervous?

Abhay: Yeah a little bit .

Tanvi: I'm there for you na , don't worry.

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