Chapter 12🍁

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Writer's POV

Next few days they were busy with the practices , they rarely argue with each other now , but there was someone who couldn't see them getting closer , that's non other than Zain, he never wanted them to be together as he know if they will get together then it's not gonna be good for him. So he planned to do something on the rehearsal day.

On the rehearsal day golden gang and Shooting stars were in backstage , rehearsing their own acts.

Tanvi: Abhay where's our riddle paper ?

Abhay: It must be  there in that file with our papers .

Inaaya: I'll get it .

She searched for their paper but couldn't find it.

Inaaya: Abhay it's not here only your riddle paper is here.

Naisha: Where let me check , yeah only our paper is there . What happened to your paper? I kept them all here before giving to sir.

Abhay: yeah Louis sir checked them and gave it to me then straightway I bought it here .

Tanvi: Then let's go and check with sir .

They all went to Louis sir .

Zee: Sir , did you see shooting stars riddle paper, it's not there in that file .

Louis sir: How's that possible , when I checked them both papers were there, then I gave it to Abhay .

Abhay: Yeah after that I kept in the table , then only inaaya checked them , I don't know what happend to the papers .

Diya: What happend to it then?

Inaaya was looking at Abhay suspiciously.

Abhay: What? Why are you looking at me like that?

Inaaya : Don't tell me that you hid the paper !!! You did right ? So that we won't be able to perform .

Zee: What nonsense are you saying inaaya ?

Tanvi: There's a possibility of that!

Abhay: Are you guys insane why would I do that ? We already know your riddle , we practiced together , and we all are performing together.

Shub: He's right guys !!! I don't think he would've done this .

Arosh: Exactly Abhay didn't do this .

Naisha: How dare you to suspect him inaaya? How can you? Oh is it because you were going to do that with our paper but your paper got lost before that so you are blaming Abhay?

Tanvi: Are you insane Naisha , why would she do that?

Zee: Then how can you suspect him ?

Inaaya: Because you guys still hate us

Shub: Inaaya!!!! Shut up !!! Abhay won't do that ever I trust him!

Tanvi: And how is that? Because we were not arguing for that last week?

Shub: No it's beacause HE IS MY FRIEND SINCE CHILDHOOD!!!!

All were quiet for few minutes , trying to digest the fact...

Zee: What the,

Diya: Zee! Don't! Sir is also here.

Abhay: Yes guys we both are childhood friends .

Inaaya: And why don't we know that?

Friend to Friend, Heart to Heart ✅(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now