Chapter 43🍁

508 42 16

Writer's POV

After four years of their farewell.
Arosh and Inaaya got married right after their farewell and shifted to Rose's Villa.
One by one all the couples got married.
Zee and Diya were the last ones to get married.
Now all of them lives in Rose's Villa in their own apartments.
A lot has changed in their lives except them .
All of them are very successful in their own careers .

Shubman is the caption of Indian cricket team , while Abhay is the vice captain. Even Zee is one of the most renowned and talented cricketer of the team .

Arosh's business is going to heights day by day .

Naisha is the most famous fashion designer of the country.

Tanvi is the head doctor of her hospital now .

Kiaan was getting the best singer awards since the last three years .

Diya is one of the best dancers in the country , she won few international dancing competition too.

Reyhana is the head of her channel now .

If there's any event coming up , then everyone remember Inaaya Malhothra. Inaaya is the most hardworking and unique even planner , who's work loved by each and everyone.

Inaaya and Arosh's home .

Arosh : Baby , good morning, wake up ,it's too late now ,  I'll be in the gym ok ? Bye.

Inaaya nodded her head . Arosh smiled at her cuteness and went after pecking her cheek.

Inaaya woke up after he went with a smirk on her face .

Diya and Zeeshan's home

Diya was making breakfast when she felt two hands snaking her waist  from behind .

She smiled recognising the touch , and kissed her husband's cheek .

Zee: Good morning baby.

Diya: Good morning hubby .

Zee: Shall I help you?

Diya: No it's done zee, freshen up and come then we can have breakfast together ok?

Right then zee got a message to his phone , and he smirked after seeing the message .

Zee: Love, I have got an urgent work , I will be back in few minutes ok?

Diya: No!!! Wait, Where are you going?

Zee: I'll be back in ten minutes baby please .

With that he ran off after kissing her head before she could stop him.

Kiaan and Reyhana's home

Reyhana: WTH!!!!! Kiaan !!!!! You stupid husband!!!! Wake uppppp

Kiaan woke up with a jerk because of his wife's shout .

Kiaan: Why are you shouting wify?

Reyhana: What have you done to my home? Look around , it's a complete mess!!!! What were you doing when I was not at home ?

Kiaan: It was a holiday yesterday na baby, so I was chilling at home , and even you were not at home so I was getting bored .

Reyhana: So ? You turned my home in to a jungle ? Ah? You better clean this mess right now!!!!

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