Chapter 14🍁

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Writer's POV

Next day as usual they went to college, they didn't even argue for once , even they are surprised with their own behaviour towards each other . But the happiest person to see this is Mr.louis.

Tanvi's POV

Oh god I'm late today , the gang must be waiting for me , huh it's so hard to manage hospital work and college work together. But what to do all our lives are like this . I opened my locker to keep my stuff then I found a letter . This must be from my secret admirer.

Heyyy my gorgeous,
         Do you know how much I missed you since morning? Every morning I want to see your face whenever I come to college , but today it was a bad morning for me, as you were not there . I know you must be tired . Take some rest after going home sweetheart....and I know you want to meet me , when the times come I will come to see you .... Till then wait for my letters .

                        Your secret admir❤️

Oh god this boy , I am actually waiting to read his letters . But I think I should share this with someone, what about shub and Kiaan ? No no no they are very possessive, they will kill my secret admirer if they get to know about this . Then what about Inaaya? No ways , she doesn't believe in all these, she will scold me for reading these . Diya ? Yeah , she's the best , she will understand. I'll tell her.

Writer's POV

Few days Later, Shooting stars were sitting in the cafeteria, golden gang came there at that time , and Kiaan called them to join with them . Inaaya got a call from from her office . And she was beaming with happiness after that.

Shub: What happend why you looks so happy?

Inaaya: Guyss we have got an event to plan, it's a Christian wedding of a famous businessman, they wants me to take care of the event personally, it's been so long since I planned a event.

Naisha: But you own a company right? But why you didn't plan any events ?

Inaaya: Yeah it's my company , but whenever we used to get events I used to give the responsibility to my employers . It's been really long since I planned a event . But I really want to do this time.

Diya : That's great Inaaya , go for it .

Inaaya: I need one of you to help me with this .

Everyone kept quiet , as they know how hard it is to work with inaaya .

Inaaya: Tanvi?

Tanvi: Inu, I don't think I will be able to do with hospital work, it's very hectic .

Inaaya: Shub?

Shub: Cricket practices .

Inaaya: Diya?

Diya: When is the event  ?

Inaaya: after five weeks .

Diya: Oops I have to ready my students for the dance competition. I'm sorry Inaaya .

Inaaya: Kiaan, oh no you have the concert right ?

Kiaan: Yeah...

Inaaya: Shit , Reyhana?

Reyhana: Inaaya I'm going with kiaan , remember?

Inaaya: Umm miss.Attitude?

Naisha: I'm the fashion designer of a bride , her wedding also on those days . Do you know the bride's name?

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