Chapter 36🍁

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Writer's POV

Others went home to get change except Tanvi as she didn't want to leave Abhay's side even for a second ,
she got changed in the hospital itself , then their parents came to visit them .
After sometime others came to the hospital too.

Abhay: Guys why did you all come again?

Shub: Why we can't come ?

Reyhana: Ohhhh did we disturb your romance Abhay?

Zee: Have some shame dude, you are in the hospital, give some rest to your romantic side.

Naisha: And try to get well soon without wasting time

Abhay: Seriously guys ? I'm in the hospital, still you guys doesn't stop teasing me .

Kiaan: Who cares about the place dude?you are here, even we are here so how can we leave a chance to make fun of you ?

Tanvi: Please stop making fun of my poor boyfriend, just look at him , he's injured guys , leave him Atleast now !!!!

They heard a voice because of which they stopped their conversation . They turned to see who it is , and they saw a very cute little girl, with her bunny on her  , glaring at Tanvi with a cute angry pout.

Girl: So this is why you forgot me!!!

Tanvi face Palmed as she really forgot about her , others were adoring the cute little girl , Tanvi went towards and bent down to her height .

Tanvi: Rose , sorry baby , I didn't forget you , it's just I got busy baby , that's why I couldn't visit you .I'm sorry .

Rose: No!! I'm not accepting your solly, I was waiting for you na Tanu , I didn't have my medicines also .

Tanvi: Oh that's not an excuse my cute little drama queen , you have to take your medicines everyday .

Tanvi said in a stern way, Rose made a cute pout and lifted her arms saying Tanvi to carry here , when she did Rose kissed her cheek tightly making Tanvi smile , everyone were in  Awww seeing her cuteness.

Tanvi: Ok fine  Come I will introduce you to my friends , then we will have medicines

Rose: Ok

Tanvi: This is kiaan, Zee, Reyhana, Naisha, Diya, shub, inaaya, Arosh and Abhay ...

Rose: He is your boyfriend na ?

Tanvi: Yes , you remember I told you about them?

Rose: Yes , I remember, and your intoduction was so boling Tanu ,so let me intoduce myself to them .

She got down from Tanvi's arms and stood Infront of them.

Rose: Hello, I'm Rose, I'm four years old and I'm very cute and I love talking ,I know Tanu as she's my Doctor . And I know everything about you all . Will you all be my friends too?

They all felt so connected to her and they were smitten by here cuteness .

Naisha: We would love to be your friend little angel .

Diya: you are right ,You are so cute .

Rose:Thank you .

Zee: Rose, darling you said that you know everything about us right? So what do you know .

Rose:yes I know , and I know that you are a big flirt too.

All burst out laughing, while Zee glared Tanvi .

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