Chapter 18🍁

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Writer's POV

It was the wedding day of Rebecca and Mr.Knight, Arosh and Inaaya have planned it perfectly. They invited Naisha too but she said she can't come. Kiaan went to Australia with Reyhana for his concert. Diya is busy preparing her kids for the competition and zee is helping her with that. Shub , Naisha, Abhay and Tanvi were hanging out .

Arosh's POV

Inaaya: I'm so glad that all  went so well Arosh, thank you so much for being with me since the beginning.

I side hugged her.

Me: I promised to support you always , so I'm just doing that.

She gave me wide smile .

At that time Rebecca and Mr.knight came there. Rebecca cane and hugged inaaya .

Rebecca: Thank you so much inaaya and Arosh this wouldn't have been possible without you, the whole wedding was perfect. Just the way I dreamt. Thank you so much.

Inaaya: It's our pleasure and happy married life to both of you.

Mr.Knight: Thank you miss.Inaaya. we gotta go now .

Me: Yeah... Take care guys , Bye.

Inaaya: Mr.Nerd let's go.

While we were going to the carpark we met the person , who I really hate now . Mr.Thakur.

Writer's POV

Mr.Thakur: Hello daughter, seems your event was successful, mind coming home early from now on.

Inaaya: Why do you care about that? And no I will come home whenever I want.

mr.Thakur: oh so you told this boy about us, that's why you are talking to me like this Infront of him right?

Inaaya: Yes he knows, that such a disgusting, heartless, cruel person you are!!!! And I won't listen to you ever , so just stay away from my life for god's sake.

Mr.Thakur: you!!!!

He was going to slap inaaya , but before that Arosh stopped him by holding his hand, he was gritting his teeth with anger. Afterall someone was going to slap his love.

Arosh: How dare you to raise your hand on her!!!!

Mr.Thakur: And who are you to ask that? A friend? Who she met just few months before or don't tell me you are in love with her ! Are you? If you are ,then remember she doesn't deserve love, noone can love a girl like her, her so called friends also behaved like this with me once , but you I'm sure you are not just a friend , I'm warning you you are destroying your life staying with her!!!! He is using you!!!

Arosh: Just shut up!!!!!

That's all Arosh couldn't control anymore he roared with frustration, Inaaya was shocked to see him like that, as he's not someone who gets angry.

Arosh: You better shut your dirty mouth Mr.Thakur otherwise I'll have to forget that you are inaaya's so called father!!!!
And how dare you to talk to her like that? Do you even realize that you spoke about your daughter? No!!! As she said you are a disgusting person!!!!
And what did you say? She doesn't deserve love ? Who the hell are you to decide that? Ah? She deserves all the love and respect because she is the best girl I have ever come across, only you and your wife doesn't love her,
she has her best friends, her professors, her employers ,so many people who loves for who she is . And yeah you are right ,I LOVE HER!!!! I LOVE HER more than anything in this world !!!!! And I will always be with her like her shadow , I will protect her from shitty people like you!!!! So it will be better if you stay away from her, otherwise I won't think twice before destroying you and your wife!!!! Get lost from here now!!!!

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