Chapter 17🍁

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Writer's POV

After a week of bunking class, they were sitting in the cafeteria talking with each other, they are best friends now, there's no grudges between them.

Tanvi: Guys just look how things between us have changed, are we the same people who were ready to literally kill each other?

Naisha: Seriously Tanvi, I was thinking the same.

Arosh: From strangers to,

Shub: Enemies.

Abhay:From enemies to ,

Zee: Project partners,

Kiaan:From project partners to,

Reyhana: Friends,

Inaaya:From friends to ,

Diya:Best friends!!!

They all laughed

Kiaan:As we all a gang now , don't you all think we should have a new name.

Zee: That's a good idea, let's think of a name.

Diya:What about Golden stars?

Naisha:Golden from golden gang and stars from shooting stars?

All: Awesome guys.

Reyhana:It's been more than six months since we joined college , but we wasted all these months by fighting with each other . So let's promise that no matter what, we all will be together forever?

All: Together Forever!!!

They said with a never ending smile on their faces.

They attended the rest of the lectures and hang out on Shub's place in the night, as his parents were out of station .

Next day,

They went to the principal office,to request something from the principal.

Principal: Good morning kids, what happened why are you all here in the early morning?

Shub: Sir we have a request.

Principal: What's it?

Abhay: Sir can we get a empty room, so that we can practice in our lesure time.

Principal: Practice?

Kiaan: Sir please I don't have a place to practice peacefully. You have given jamrooms to all our seniors who are in the music industry , so even can I get a one.

Diya: And even I don't have a place to practice dance, seniors doesn't let us hangout in their rooms.

Principal:I know kids we normally give jamrooms,to the students who are related to dance and music industry. but the problem is there's no room vacant at the moment.

Shub: What about the empty room which is near the storeroom sir?

Principal: no one use that, it must full of dust , you all are celebrities, how will you all manage there?

Naisha: We can sir ! We will clean it up.

Arosh: We are celebrities but in college we are students sir and we can manage there if you permit us.

Zee: Please sir.

Principal: Ok kids , as you all wish, here's the key.

Inaaya: yayyy!!! Thank you so much sir ....

Friend to Friend, Heart to Heart ✅(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now