Chapter 9🍁

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Writer's POV

Shooting stars stayed at Diya's place, noone spoke to Kiaan, they straightway went to sleep. Even golden gang stayed in naisha's place and noone spoke to Reyhana .
Next day Diya woke up with a severe headache, others were already awake .

Diya: Ahhhh... My head... What happened guys ?

Tanvi: You have drunk alcohol by mistake so this is because of the hangover, have this pill you will feel better...

Diya : Shit!! Kiaan, even you are having a hangover or what? Why is your face like that?

Shub: you don't remember anything which happened yesterday?

Diya: why what happened? Did I do something wrong?

Inaaya: Of course she won't remember. She was not in her senses. No you didn't do anything Diya , but kiaan have done something .

Diya: What did you do kiaan?

Tanvi: Kiaan and Reyhana are dating from few months, we caught them together yesterday, then only they revealed about them .

Diya: What ? Really? But why are you saying you caught them ? They are not theives to caught? They must've had a reason to hide this from us .

Inaaya: You are still in your hangover I think. What nonsense.

Diya: So what are you guys gonna do?

Shub: We decided to talk about this matter in college , even Golden gang will be there . Get ready now ,let's go .

Diya: oh ok.

Diya went towards Kiaan and hugged him.

Diya: Don't worry Kiaan, they will accept your relationship, I'm with you ok? Don't make faces like this now .

Kiaan gave her small smile while nodding.

Tanvi: Go and get ready Diya .

Diya:Ok ok

They all went to college , the gangs met each other, they attended the first lecture and went to an empty room to discuss about this .They all got seated and were silent for a while .

Kiaan: Guys, why are you all quiet now ? Please say something guys .

Naisha: What's there to say ?

Inaaya: Whatever you both did was wrong, ok fine you both went into a relationship, but why didn't you both tell us ? You both should've told us before college started, or atleast on the first day at college when we messed with each other.

Kiaan: I know we should've told before but, we were not sure about us in the beginning gradually we fell in love with each other, then we decided to tell you all on the First day, but before that you all started fighting.

Zeeshan: Such a lame excuse it is , and Reyhana why are you quiet now ?

Reyhana: Why should I say ? I want kiaan in my life I love him, and for that I can't loose you all too, I want my gang and kiaan both in my life ...but you guys are not understanding the situation at all.

She breakdown into tears while kiaan side hugged her.

Abhay: But what to do now guys ? We literally hate each other.

Shub: Yeah that's true.

Tanvi: So what are we gonna do now ? We can't tolerate each other at all

Naisha: It's not possible to accept them so soon.

Inaaya: Absoloutly it's impossible

Zeeshan: even I can't.

Arosh: Enough guys !!! There's a limit ok? Now you guys have to stop this nonsense, Reyhana and Kiaan love each other, we can't be that selfish to separate two lovers.

Diya: I totally agree with Arosh, I know we don't get with each other since the first day, but there's something common in all of us that's friendship.

Arosh: Yeah, so for that friendship we should accept their relationship,so that they will be together and won't loose us also.

Diya: And for our friends we should try to be friendly with each other...

Arosh: And I want you all to agree on this, beacause golden gang can't loose Reyhana .

Diya: And shooting stars can't loose Kiaan.

They all were silent for sometime.

Tanvi: I don't have any problem , I think they are right.

Naisha: Me too...

Shub: Even I understand...

Abhay: Yeah let's do this somehow

Inaaya:Arosh and Diya is right, we have to this .

Zeeshan: for the sake of our friendship.

Reyhana hugged Arosh tightly and mumbled a Thank you... Even Kiaan hugged Diya while thanking her ....

Reyhana: Thank you guys ....

Kiaan: Thank you for understanding... Hope you all will be friends now ...

Zeeshan: Not so soon...

Inaaya: yeah! We accept you both but to get friendly with each other it will take time considering about the past.

Arosh: Hope you will never hurt Reyhana Kiaan. She is very precious to us...

Kiaan: I will never Arosh trust me .

Zeeshan: I can trust with you that, I know why you never flirted with anyone ,when I forced you also .I know you won't hurt her ever

Kiaan smiled , Diya went towards Reyhana and hugged her.

Diya: Welcome to the family Reyhana , kiaan is like my brother , we are a family more than friends, I hope you will love him as much as he loves you .

Reyhana: Thank you Diya , and yeah i will always ....

Kiaan caressed Diya's hair with a proud look on his face . Even others smiled genuinely on their friends happiness.......

Here's goes the 9th chapter guys...
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