Chapter 20🍁

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Writer's POV

Next day Diya woke up with a terrible headache. She messaged golden stars that she will get late for college . Zee was in the golden stars room with others.

Zee: Guys I need your help.

Kiaan: For what?

Zee: For changing Diya, yesterday from Diya's mom I got to know about her past because of which she turned into such a boring person.

Arosh: She's not boring , she's good.

Inaaya: And too much goodness injurious to health.

All: Ha ha ha ha

Shub: We have tried our best already zee, it's not possible.

Naisha: But let's give it a try.

Tanvi: More than us, I think you can change her zee.

Zee: I know I can and I will . But I need you all help too.

Abhay: Anything for Diya zee. We all are with you in mission Diya .

Inaaya: But Zee why are you so concerned about Diya suddenly?

Zee: She is our friend. That's why .

Reyhana: Oh really? She is just a friend for you ah?

Zee: Yeah... Yeah....

Arosh: We can see that very well.

Zee: What you can see ? Ah Arosh? You just stay away from this inaaya, she is spoiling you.

Inaaya: why should he stay away from me you flirt! He will always be there with me .

Arosh smiled while nodding . Others had a teasing smirks on their faces .

Abhay: Oh really? And why is that?

Inaaya: Uh... Uh... That's non of your business. Just concentrate on Diya .

Shub: Ok as you say tomboy . But we are coming back to that topic again . 

Inaaya: Whatever.

Writer's POV

They are now in their second year of college . It's been three month since they are trying to get the real Diya back. But it seems to be really impossible to them but there's a improvement.
Shub and Naisha are happily dating, as well as kiaan and Reyhana .

Diya and zee are really good friends now and Tanvi and Abhay too.
Tanvi is madly in love with her secret admirer ,who's sending her letters since eight months.

Inaaya and Arosh hangout together almost everyday. Inaaya is a complete care free girl when she's with him . But she still didn't realize her feelings towards Arosh.

Tanvi's POV

Secret admirer, I really wanna meet you , and know who you are, it's been eight months since you are sending me letters, I can't wait anymore. It hurts even after knowing that you are always near me but still I can't recognise you .

I was lost in my thoughts when I got a letter , instantly my face lit up . That's the effect my secret admirer has on me .

Hi my gorgeous princess,

        You seems to be in a bad mood today, Come on beautiful, it's been eight months since I'm sending you letters and almost one year since I have seen  you . I know the reason for your bad mood , it's because my girl wants to see me , right?
      So a good news for you, I'm coming to see you on a special day of your life, that day is very close . So get ready to be surprised, shocked, and to be loved .
      Excited? Ofcourse I know you are! So let's meet on your special day, till then keep dreaming about me . *Wink*.

                        Your secret admirer

Oh my god , oh my god, he's gonna come!!!! I can't wait to see you and confess my feelings to you secret admirer!
But what is my special day which is close? Ohhh my birthday? Oh god so he's coming to my birthday, aww this is gonna be the best birthday of my life. I'm waiting eagerly to see you....
I know people might think that I'm mad , but that's the truth I have gone mad completely, and the only reason for that is my mysterious secret admirer!!!!

Writer's POV

Shub: Guys, we are having a holiday of three days next week.

Tanvi: Oh so it's a holiday on my birthday?

Naisha:yeah Tanvi , it is .

Zee: So why don't we go on a trip ? To spend the three days holidays , as well as we can celebrate tanvi's birthday.

Tanvi: No let's stay home.

Arosh: We can have a good time ,it will be better than staying at home . I have a farmhouse of mine , near a marine drive , it's a beautiful and peaceful place . We can go there if you all want.

Inaaya: Awesome ! Let's go guys , it would be fun, no way I'm gonna stay at home for three days .

Tanvi: Then come and stay at my home.

Abhay: why are you spoiling the plan Tanvi? Let's go and enjoy .

Kiaan: yeah let's go Tanvi, don't be a spoilt sport like Diya .

Diya: why are you dragging me in this ? I didn't say that I can't come.

Zee: So you are coming?

Diya: yeah, what will I do alone without you all.

Reyhana: Superb! And Tanvi even you are coming with us , no more arguments on this .

Tanvi: Ok fine , do whatever you all want .

All: Yayyy....

Shub: Let's get ready for next week guys , let's have funnnn...

Others: yesss....

Tanvi's POV

I just came home after going to hospital, I was really happy today after knowing that secret admirer gonna come on my birthday, but now how will he come when I'm not here?

Just then someone threw a paper through my window , I ran to check outside but noone was there.
Oh it's from secret admirer, but why two letters today?

Hi again beautiful,

    I know what's bothering you, but don't worry ,I promised you I will come right? So yeah I will be there with you wherever you are on that day !!!!! Good night and sweet dreams about me....

                       Your secret admirer

Ok now this is getting creepy!!! How does he know that I'm going on a trip with my friends?
This is really creepy .... Whatever nothing matters Infront of my love or shall I say blind love?

Wait a second ,I think I know who's this ! But let's wait till he appear Infront of me. Then he will know the consequences of being my secret admirer. I will have to tease you little for messing up with me.

My lips turned into a evil smirk, thinking about my plan.

Here goes the 20th chapter...

So who's gonna be the secret admirer? Any idea guys ?

See you all in the next chapter...

Stay safe 🍁

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