chapter 41🍁

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Writer's POV

It's been a week since the club drama, they were back to their normal routine .
They were sitting in golden stars room after attending their lectures.

Shub: Arosh , when are you telling uncle and aunty that you proposed inaaya for marriage ?

Arosh: I don't know dude , I'm scared , don't know how they will react.

Tanvi: Oh come on Arosh, they are so cool, they won't behave as typical parents.

Zee: She's absolutely right for the first time , you should tell them .

Tanvi: What do you mean by for the first time ? I'm always right ok

Zee: Then why the hell you are dating abhay?

Tanvi: Oh by the way you are  right zee, I forgot about the first wrong descion I took.

She told controlling her laughter while others were laughing looking at abhay's face.

Abhay: Baby!!!!! How can you say like that.

Tanvi: I was just kidding na baby , dating you is the best descion I ever took.

Abhay: Awww

Naisha: Don't start with your romancing now , we were talking about Arosh and Inaaya , let's get back to them .

Diya: What's there to talk about them when inaaya doesn't even give a damn about it.

Kiaan: How will she ? She is busy munching her snacks as if it's the best snack she ever had.

Still she is having her snack if others don't exist.

Arosh: Inu baby , they are talking about us , why are you behaving as if you don't care .

Inaaya: what's there to care about baby?
I know mom and dad won't deny you from marring me , so it's not at all a problem,
and for you kind information, noone can reject inaaya .

Reyhana: You and your pathetic dialogues. Be serious for sometime girl .

Inaaya: We have only one life Miss.Media. Why should we waste it being serious?

All facepalmed at her words.

Shub: Impossible!!!

Arosh:I'm telling mom and dad about us today . And I need one of you with me  for my support .

Others were looking at him with a horrified face, they all were hoping that  Arosh shouldn't choose one from them .
Arosh looked at all of them keenly .

Zee: Take inaaya , you are marrying her only na , so take her with you.

Arosh: That's a really bad idea, she can't be serious at all ,and taking her with me for this will make me more nervous.

Inaaya: How dare you to tell like that about me you nerd ?
I'm reconcidering my idea about marrying you now .

All laughed.

Arosh: please baby I'm sorry but you should understand, this is a serious matter .

Diya: Arosh, you are behaving as if you have already married inaaya and you are going to tell your parents about it .
For god's sake ,they know you both love each other. And in a living together relationship, they will be happy to hear this . So just go for it without being a scardy pig.

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