Chapter 15🍁

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Writer's POV

It's been a week since inaaya told others about the event .
They all were engaged in their lectures since the morning .

Inaaya: Arosh we have to meet the client now ? Don't go home .

Shub: He's helping with you the work that doesn't mean you can order him.

Tanvi: Yeah you should've said that nicely .

Arosh: That's ok guys , I'm used to it .

Inaaya: Saw? Now happy?

Zee: Yeah yeah we are seeing Everything which is going on

Inaaya: What do you mean?

Zee was going to open his mouth but Naisha nudged him to stay quiet.

Abhay: you know him Noh inaaya ! He talks nonsense, you guys go and meet the client .

Inaaya: Let's go Arosh

Arosh: Yeah let's go...

They left to inaaya's office in arosh's car. While others were in the car park.

Kiaan: Why did you stop zee from teasing them Abhay and Naisha?

Naisha: We all know that Arosh likes her right?

Others: yeah

Tanvi: But inaaya doesn't have any idea about this , she doesn't believe in all this.

Abhay: That's what Tanvi, if we let her know this , then she will try to distance herself from him, and he won't be able to impress her.

Diya: Arosh have already impressed her, he just have to wait till she open up about her feelings. She trust him and that's a huge achievement.

Others: True

Zee: But the one who I'm trying to impress , doesn't even give a chance to me .

He said eyeing Diya , while she rolled her eyes .

Diya: Let's go home guys .

With that they all went home .

Arosh's POV

Me: Inaaya why are you abnormally quiet today?

Inaaya: Nothing Arosh , I was little nervous as I didn't planned a event from a long time , I hope I could match with his expectations.

Me: Of course you can Inaaya. Don't worry.

I parked the car and her receptionist told that the client is waiting in her cabin, we were waiting for the lift and I interwined my hand with her .

Me: Don't get nervous, this is so not like our tomboy , so just go inside and kill it, it's not your first time , it's just You are doing it after a break. So just do with confidence ok? And even I'm there with you right.

She gave me a small smile , while nodding , we went inside her cabin still holding hands , she got seated in her chair. I was surprised to see her client .

Me: Oh Hello Mr.Knight, it's been so long since I met you , so you are the one who's getting married .

Mr.Knight: Hello Mr.Malhotra , yeah I'm the groom, it was really good to meet you again, and I didn't knew that this company belongs to your girlfriend.

I was dumbfounded with the girlfriend thing and Inaaya was looking at him with wide eyes, I controlled myself.

Me: No Mr.knight, she's my friend, we study in the same college , by the way you have chosen the right place to organise your wedding. Inaaya mr.knight and I were business partners.

Inaaya: Hello Mr.knight and miss.Rebecca, I'm glad that you all know Mr.Malhotra already as he's gonna accompany me in your event management.. so how do you all want this to happen?

I got seated in the couch letting them discuss everything. After more than two or three hours the meeting was over and Mr.knight left the office . I could see a beautiful smile on inaaya's face . She came to me and hugged me tightly. I was really stunned beacause of that obviously I will it's our first hug afterall. I reciprocated the hug . After sometime she pulled away and grinned making my heart flatter.

Inaaya: I'm soooo happy Arosh , and so excited for this , I thought I'll mess up while talking to them but no, all thanks to your encouragement I did it ... Thank you so much...

Me: I'm glad you are happy , and let's do this successfully . Now let's have a dinner somewhere and go home .

Inaaya: Are you asking me out on a dinner date Mr.Nerd?

Me: Umm not yet , umm let's go.

She pulled my cheeks while laughing.

Inaaya: by the way stop blushing so much , when mr.knight thought that I'm your girlfriend then also you were a blushing mess, I'm the girl here , I'm supposed to blush, but you are doing my part .

Arosh: You are not blushing so that's why I'm blushing.

Inaaya: Ha ha haa ha let's go.

We had dinner and I dropped her home after that .

Shub's POV

I was getting ready to go for cricket practices and I got a call from Naisha .

Naisha: Hi shub

Me: Hi Naisha , what's up?

Naisha : what are you doing ?

Me: I'm getting ready to go for practices .

Naisha: Can I join you?

Me: Ok but you would get bored!

Naisha: I won't even abhay and zee would be there right ? So I will see you all practicing and then we can hangout somewhere.

Me: We means only we two or with Abhay and zee also?

Naisha: How do you want that to happen Mr?

Me: I think only we two would be great right?

Naisha: ok so your wish is granted sir, I'm going to get ready bye .

Me: I'll pick you up , bye .

I kept the phone with a never ending smile on my face . I'm glad that Naisha wants to spend time with me too, I was thinking how to do it , but herself told me that she wants to hangout . A lot has changed between me and Naisha after the Talent hunt, maybe because we spent lot of time with each other and now we are understanding each other as a result we stopped arguing .
And I think I like her, I don't know about love , but I really like her, and spending time with her .

Tanvi's POV

Hi princess,

You must be thinking how you got the letter from your hospital , ofcourse I know where you work! Don't try to check the CCTV now, let's continue this for a while without you knowing me. I will confess my feelings to you in a special way and on a special day. Till then just remember that I'm falling for you Tanvi . I really like you . I don't know if you feel the same for me but , you are the girl with whom I wanna spend the rest of my life with ... Now don't think too much . Take care darling.

Your secret admirer

I found this on my cabin , I really want to check the CCTV, but I'll wait for you My secret admirer, I will wait to hear confession on the special day as you say ,
because I think even I've started liking you, I know people might think that I'm mad to like someone who I've never seen , but I don't know I trust him even without knowing him . I'm not Scared anymore. I'm waiting for you my secret admirer.

Here's goes the 15th chapter guys...
Hope you all liked it..
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Stay safe.

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