Chapter 6🍁

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Writer's POV

After few weeks of their argument with Zain.
Principal sir wanted to announce   something to all the students. All the students came for the meeting .

Principal sir: Good morning students, There's something really important which I want to inform you all, our college gonna conduct a event called Talent hunt. many students from different colleges gonna participate on this , As you all know our college is one of the best colleges in the country, I hope you all will participate on this and will make our college proud. We are doing this event as a charity to help struggling college students of different colleges. I hope you all will give your help in this  good deed. The students who wants to participate on this can give their names to Mr.louis or Mr.Eric. you all can get more details about this from your professors. All the best students .

Many students gave Their name for the Talent hunt, They will be choosing the best students from them, to perform on the talent hunt .

Diya gave her name for dancing , kiaan gave his name for singing, Reyhana gave her name for announcing while Naisha gave her name for a drama act. Others were not interested in anything.

Mr.Luois came to meet  his favourite gangs.

Mr.louis: I'm glad that Diya,Kiaan,Reyhana and Naisha are participating on this . All the best kids. But what About others ?

Tanvi: Umm not interested sir.

Mr.Louis: What happened to you Zee? It's surprising that you are not participating .

Inaaya: There's no Flirting competition Noh sir. Maybe that's why he is not participating.

Zeeshan: Such a pathetic joke .

Mr.Louis: Ha ha ha Inaaya!! Umm wait a minute why don't you all do a debate act?

Shub: What do you mean by a debate act sir?

Mr.louis: I mean with funny riddles, why don't you all do a debate , with riddles but, not with these arguments. I think it will be fun, the audience will love it, it's just a charity event, so what do you all think?

Abhay: sir I think this is an another idea of yours to make us friends isn't it?

Mr.louis: Oh come on Abhay, I have better work to do, that didn't even get into my mind, when I saw Inaaya and Zeeshan argueing I got the idea, it would be fun , for example, inaaya ask a riddle from the golden gang .

Inaaya :Sir....

Mr.louis: Please inaaya , atleast for me .

Inaaya: Ok, Why didn't the chicken cross the road ?

Abhay: Why?

Inaaya: Beacause KFC was on the other side .

Shooting stars and Louis sir laughed while golden Gang were making faces.

Mr.louis: Now someone from the golden gang ask a riddle .

Zeeshan: Why did the skeleton stand in the corner during his prom?

Tanvi: Why?

Zeeshan: he has no Body to dance with.

Shooting stars rolled their eyes , but Louis sir was having fun.

Shub: ok answer this, There are ten cats on a boat, one jumps off, how many are left.

Reyhana: obviously Nine .

Shub: No. Non because they were all copy cats...

He said pointing at golden gang.

Shooting stars started laughing loudly,.

Naisha: did you call us as copy cats ? Huh?

Arosh: Naisha , relax it was just a riddle , leave it, don't get into a arguement now.

Abhay: No wait Arosh, we have to clear this out.

Kiaan: What are you gonna clear out ah?

Mr.louis: Hey hey kids, no arguements please, it was just a riddle, don't take it seriously, coming in to the talent hunt, I want you all to do exactly this , a funny riddle debate between the two groups .
Shub, Tanvi and Inaaya from shooting stars, Naisha, Abhay and Zeeshan from golden Gang ok?

Abhay: No sir how can we ? We have never seen something like fun riddle debate. We have not even heard about it

Mr.louis: Even I've not,it's my own idea , it's unique and fun, Audience will enjoy, and that's what we need , Do this for me, our college and those struggling students ..

Tanvi: You can't blackmail us emotionally sir , that's not fair.

Mr.louis: Everything is fair when it comes to our college . So are you all ready for it?

Arosh: yes sir!!!

Inaaya: Even we are ready sir!!

Mr.louis: That's like my kids, Diya,kiaan, Naisha and Reyhana come with me you all will be having a audition.

Diya , kiaan, Naisha and Reyhana did Their  auditions well and got selected to perform in talent hunt . They all started practicing for their performances as there's only two weeks left for it. The students participating in talent hunt were busy with their performances.

Miss.Vienna came to meet the gangs. she is one of their favourite professors.

Miss.Vienna: Shub and Naisha , can you both do me a favour?

Shub: What's it ma'am?

Miss.Vienna: Actually there's a couple dance performance, but the girl who was supposed perform has injured her leg, and she can't perform. So can you both please do the couple dance performance?

Naisha: No maam I can't perform with him? Why only us? There's other students also Noh maam? I'm already there in the drama.

Miss.Vienna: we can take someone for the drama Naisha , I Only can trust you both with this performance, I want this to be perfect, you both dance really well, I would have taken Diya but she is having a solo performance . Please

Shub: Maam I can't dance with her too, I can't manage all this with cricket practices.

Miss.Vienna: It's just a matter of two weeks shub, please you both are my only hope don't say no to this  . Please....

Naisha/shub: Ok fine maam.

Miss.Vienna: Thank you so much kiddos , I will let you know both the practice hours , bye ...

After that She went towards the staff room to meet Louis sir.

Louis sir: Is it done ?

Miss.Vienna: Yesss it's done, they agreed. Plan successful!!

Louis sir: Thank you so much. Now let's see how they won't be friends .

They both high fived with a winning smirk.

Here goes the the 6th Chapter guys.
Isn't Louis sir is the best?
Some exciting scenes are coming up....
Some secrets gonna be revealed ...
Let's see how their practices for the talent hunt goes on...
Wait for the next chapters eagerly...
See you all in the next chapter..
Don't forget to vote and comment..
Stay safe....

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