Chapter 16🍁

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Writer's POV

They were having their first semester exams after a week, they were busy with their own careers but still they had group studies once or twice so that they can clear the doubts. after a week they did their exams successfully, they all did their best . Inaaya and Arosh were busy with wedding planning, Diya were busy with training students for the competition. Kiaan were busy with music practices and Reyhana were engaged in some interviews. Shub, Abhay and Zee were busy with cricket practices as they were having a match after few weeks.Tanvi gets letters from her secret admirer everyday. Naisha were busy designing Rebecca's wedding gown, but she hangouts with Shub everyday after his practices.

Inaaya's POV

It's been a hectic week, we both had to visit Rebecca and MR.Knight to decide about some decorations, their theme colour is white and purple. I really love planning this wedding, it helps me to forget all my problems and Arosh he's always their with me like a shadow, he is always their whenever i needed him. I'm a complete different person when i'm with him.

Inaaya: Mr.Nerd shall we go somewhere?

Arosh: Where do you want to go Inaaya?

Inaaya: What about beach? it's been so long since we went their right? so please...

Arosh: Why are you saying please? let's go wherever you want, I'll get the car...

Inaaya: You are the best!!!!!

I screamed while he chuckled listening to me.

Arosh's POV

We went to the beach as my love wanted. Yes, you heard it right. I'm in love with Inaaya, I realised it few days back, but I'm not gonna confess to her as first ,  I want to know what's going on her life. Till then I will wait. I don't know if she loves me I just know that She trust me, which I will never dare to break.We got seated on the sand beside each other.

Inaaya: This is my favourite place Arosh, My happy place. Whenever I'm upset I come here alone so that I can forget everything.

Me: You always come alone then why did you wanted to come with me today?

Inaaya: Beacause I know you won't judge me even if I cry here , I can share any problem with you without any fear.

Me: Then please tell what's going on in your life inaaya? I know you are not ok ! But why inaaya what's the thing that bothers you so much?

She was quiet after I asked this I think I shouldn't have asked her like that.

Me: I'm sorry Inaaya , I didn't meant to hurt you , it's ok ,you don't have to answer me .

Inaaya: I can answer that question Arosh, but  I don't wanna talk about it , but I will tell as you wants to know , My biggest problem is my so called parents, they didn't want a child , but because of my grandparents my so called  mom gave birth to me . My grandparents were the ones who took care of me but they died when I was 19 because of a car accident. Then I got to know that grandpa have written all his property on my name . Mr. And Mrs.Thakur tolerated me because they wants my property . After my grandparents left me I lost all the happiness in my life, the only happiness I have now is shooting stars , and now even golden gang is also really close to me , mostly you .

Me:Why don't you leave them Inaaya , you can stay  somewhere else right?

Inaaya: I don't want to leave that house Arosh, my grandparents memories are there, and I can't be heartless like Mr.and Mrs.Thakur to throw them out of the house. I so wanted to do that's but Mrs.Thakur gave birth to me , so I didn't want to do that . Each and every morning they start with a drama . Infront of other people they are the world's best parents , but only I know their truth.

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